Symmetry vs periodic boundary condition. Periodic Boundary Conditions; 7.

  • Symmetry vs periodic boundary condition. Nov 20, 2017 · 1.

    Symmetry vs periodic boundary condition – Solid. 2 Sub-directories where the main types of boundary conditions are implemented Periodic Periodic inner wall outer wall C 1 C 2 b 1 2 F 1 F 2 Fig. Since in FDTD all magnetic fields are shifted by half a cell, this wall is effectively located in the middle of the last two lines of the respective direction. There are several examples in the COMSOL Model Gallery on periodic structures (for example Model ID 1974). Position of unknowns in staggered grid 6-U U-6 k-0 U-& 0 0-J 0-3 Q 0-3 0 :-U k-U 0 Q f-U 0-J Q Figure 5. MUR ABC. Apply: breaking symmetry#. As we saw in section 5. Select surfaces. The master and slave surfaces define the cyclic boundary condition (symmetry vs periodic doubt) Dear friends, i am doing 3D wing analysis, i have doubt on boundary conditions in fluent ie both symmetry and periodic, anybody have the answer please let me know briefly,for what kind of purpose to use symmetry & I want to cut the panel in half and model the 1/2 of it by applying a symmetry boundary condition, but since the core is not normal symmetrical but has a repetitive pattern I am trying to use linear periodeic symmetry region. Motion . 2). Figure 1. From the Flow ribbon, click the Symmetry tool. Left: Open boundary. You can use the symmetry plane boundary condition to reduce the Aug 30, 2012 · The appropriate boundary condition depends on what is happening on the other boundaries and in the flow. . has been implemented to the IMPETUS @ghorrocks : Some body showed a case of cylindrical shape domain and he has applied symmetry condition for the 60 deg sector. 15 Symmetry Boundary Conditions. Typically, the full geometry can be reduced to the smallest repetitive element, a unit Select Periodic or Anti-periodic from the BC Type drop list to specify a symmetry or anti-symmetry boundary condition, as shown in Figure 2. Boundary conditions must be set for all solution fields in the simulation. Join Date: Nov 2011. Aug 27, 2021 · Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions can be distinguished better mathematically rather than descriptively. The interfere of Periodic with symmetry boundary conditions: Eirene2016: Main CFD Forum: 0: July 22, 2016 06:20: Symmetry and Periodic boundary conditions: CFD_Fluent_User: FLUENT: 1: October 16, 2014 03:18: Question about heat transfer coefficient setting for CFX: Anna Tian: CFX: 1: June 16, 2013 07:28: Periodic Vs symmetry Boundary In cases where the periodic boundary is split into several boundaries within the geometry, it might be necessary to apply separate periodic conditions to each pair of geometry boundaries for the matching to work properly. Nov 20, 2017 · 1. interior zones: Interior Dialog Box. Asked 8th Jun, 2016; Rajesh Alayil; Even though theoretically 'symmetry' and boundary condition (symmetry vs periodic doubt) #8: hhh. If the geometry is symmetrical, or if a symmetric flow pattern is expected, the user can take advantage of this by reducing the number of cells and, The Periodic Condition node adds a periodic boundary conditio This video guides you to implement the periodic boundary condition for the periodic structures. –Boundary condition data can be copied from one zone to another. Periodic pairs are used at the inlet and In mathematics, the Neumann (or second-type) boundary condition is a type of boundary condition, named after Carl Neumann. Symmetry is a type of what we call Neumann boundary conditions in which the normal gradient of For systems that are both periodic and have symmetry, select symmetry (or anti-symmetry) on both boundaries. The Mass Flow or Velocity Inlet Condition, Pressure Outlet Condition, Wall Condition, Symmetry Condition, Periodic Condition, and Far Field Condition are some of the most commonly used conditions in various industrial applications. Posts: 117 Rep Power: 15. Boundary type and available for various patch types (adapted and modified from Wolf Dynamics lectures) So, the brief explanation of some of these boundary conditions are as follows. kunar. This allows you to simulate only 1/2 of one unit cell. Under twisted boundary condition, if the coupling between nearest neighbors is t0, the coupling between the The constant WALLMODEL_KAPPA is the von Karman constant, and WALLMODEL_B is an additional constant describing the universal ‘law of the wall’. [11] to be globally mass conservative and makes use of a simple proportional-integral-derivative controller to accurately control the The boundary condition for a periodic boundary may be written as (13) where r w and r w * are the locations of points P and P*, respectively, which are periodically coincident, as illustrated in Fig. Define radiation conditions and create emissivity models. Such boundaries are typically planes or surfaces where the flow properties are mirrored or reflected. 2 , the domain boundary is defined by patches within the mesh, listed within the boundary mesh file. • Material properties. • Choose the boundary name in the Zone list. Attachments 1. It is possible to describe the problem using other boundary conditions: a Dirichlet boundary condition (symmetry vs periodic doubt) #3: hhh. Each patch includes a type entry which can apply a geometric constraint to the patch. a symmetry plane, and conditions –To set boundary conditions for particular zone: • Select "Boundary Conditions" in the project tree. 3: Cubic symmetry in the unit cell Y. (4) C at the boundary = 0. simutechgroup. You do not need to set them specifically. ×Sorry to interrupt. The use of periodic boundary conditions is mostly for practical reasons, in particular, translation symmetry is conserved, which really helps. • Proper specification. with genbox, as is explained in Generating a Mesh with Genbox; when an . Periodic Boundary Conditions; 7. For such flows, the solver could return a laminar solution even at super-critical (turbulent) Reynolds numbers if no initial disturbance is provided. It should only be used if the physical object or geometry and the expected flow field pattern of the developed solution are mirrored along that surface. Periodic (Cyclic) • This However, in the thermodynamic limit, the bulk properties should be independent of the boundary conditions, so $\mathbf{v}$ should describe the velocity of bulk eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. com/contact-usEmail: info@simutechgroup. Read any CFD textbook for a description of this in detail, but in short a symmetry boundary has zero normal gradient for all variables except the normal velocity which is zero; and a periodic Oct 22, 2024 · Symmetry (PLANE): A symmetry plane boundary represents an imaginary plane of symmetry in the simulation. Fig. is a symmetry, cyclic or periodic are few of the popular types of boundary conditions specified on fluid boundaries. Periodic BC's are relatively straightforward to use in your simulation: simply set the simulation span to be one unit cell wide and select Periodic BC's for that boundary. Typically, you should include all boundaries that are allowed to be deformed, including the symmetry boundary. Extension of computational domain with virtual cells In order to incorporate the periodic boundary condition (5a) or the So to answer your question, in "FEA software" language, symmetry is a boundary condition for the reasons I just explained, but this is not very rigorous. So if you input a periodic-boundary Hamiltonian, there is a kind of "mismatch" that happens where you can still get the correct answer, but it requires much boundary condition (symmetry vs periodic doubt) #6: hhh. the negative spin-inversion symmetry sector maps to the fermion Hamiltonian with periodic boundary conditions (PBC) and odd total number of fermions; the positive spin-inversion symmetry sector maps to the fermion Hamiltonian with anti-periodic boundary conditions (APBC) and even total number of fermions. *BC_PERIODIC has been implemented to the IMPETUS Solver to apply PBCs by coupling opposite surfaces or edges. Symmetry is a commonly used boundary condition in CFD simulations that models flow behavior at boundaries that exhibit symmetry. This feature supports only a single direction for the entire model (more than one direction is not supported) for structural analyses and thermal/thermal-electric If you are solving a symmetric problem, ensure to pass symmetric = True in solver_parameters, in order to keep symmetry after the application of boundary conditions and use a convenient solver (more information on how it impacts solver choice here). 8:55 - How to Split bodies for symmetry in Ansys Discovery? boundary condition (symmetry vs periodic doubt) #4: hhh. Let’s recall the figure we had before and consider the three different boundary conditions in more detail. Porous Jump Boundary Conditions; You can find details about the following types here: interface zones: Using Sliding Meshes. The e ectiveness of the new boundary condition is demonstrated by multiple numerical examples including plane symmetry and axisymmetry. But then its not 2D anymore then. Of course, if you are interested in the Get in touch:Contact form: https://www. 19. How can I understand the symmetry Nov 10, 2022 · Periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) can be used to model cyclic symmetry by approximating a small segment of a larger system. [1] When imposed on an ordinary or a partial differential equation, the condition specifies the values of the derivative applied at the boundary of the domain. Dear friends, i am doing 3D wing analysis, i have doubt on boundary conditions in fluent ie both symmetry and periodic, anybody have the answer please let me know briefly,for what kind of purpose to use Open Workbench and insert a Static Structural system into the Project Schematic. The boundary conditions can be imposed in various ways: when the mesh is generated, e. This confuses me: The conflict between open boundary conditions and momentum conservation is well understood, but we examine other symmetries, as well: we discuss gauge invariance, inversion, spin, and particle-hole symmetry and their compatibility with open, periodic, and twisted boundary conditions. After cutting accordingly the repetitive half that remains is the following: In conclusion, defining appropriate boundary conditions is crucial when conducting real-world CFD simulations. By using this boundary condition, the domain can essentially be halved, reducing the time to COMSOL has a symmetry condition which you can apply to the boundaries on your symmetry plane. The focus is on periodic boundary conditions (PBC) since they are the most used ones in molecular simulations. The periodic boundary conditions are more “advanced”. • Internal cell zones. • Internal face boundaries. It defines a cyclic/repeating situation of the flow across the boundary surface. But till now I ANSYS CFD Post Course, session 6 aims to talk about the periodic and symmetric boundary conditions. nTn Symmetry boundary condition: /0 n for all flow variables ϕ. Therefore you should get familiar with methods for using efficient modeling techniques. it told me something wrong in symmetry boundary setting. 2058126. zip – Example case file (saved with Fluent Periodic Boundary Conditions. The topology of two-dimensional PBC is equal to that of a world map of some video games; the geometry of the unit cell satisfies The diverse range of boundary conditions in Flow3D software, including Dirichlet and Neumann conditions for specifying fixed values and gradients, symmetry, inlet, outlet, wall, continuative, periodic, and grid overlay conditions, enables precise representation of fluid behavior in hydraulic engineering simulations, ensuring accuracy and reliability in computational fluid Hi, I am Jimmy. Dear friends, i am doing 3D wing analysis, i have doubt on boundary conditions in fluent ie both symmetry and periodic, anybody have the answer please let me know briefly,for what kind of purpose to use symmetry & periodic boundary As other boundary conditions like SPC, PERBC must be called in load steps definition in order to be activated (or as a global case control to activate it for all load steps) Periodic boundary conditions are barely never alone, and are usually to be combined together with more classical SPC. That is, any numerical simulation can proceed without it. Model implementation: Cyclic symmetry boundary conditions (Periodic Condition) applied on two sector boundaries to model 1/8 of geometry; Heat Transfer by Free Convection. What the difference between the symmetry boundary and periodical boundary? 2. But we make a choice to use certain boundary conditions that has the properties that we desire. This is similar to the slip boundary condition, where zero normal velocity and zero gradients of all other flow Modelling cyclic symmetry with periodic boundary condition. One patch may include one or more enclosed areas of the boundary surface which do not necessarily need to be physically connected. Generally, $\mathbf{v}$ depends on $\mathbf{k}$, and under open boundary conditions $\mathbf{k}$ is not a good quantum number. Details of these boundary conditions are: Inlet: specified pressure, velocity, temperature and density as a function of position. The Periodic or cyclic boundary condition (BC), is used in computational fluid dynamics simulations. Mass transport is a discipline of Periodic boundary conditions (cyclic symmetry) enable the simulation of a single passage of an axial or centrifugal turbomachine or of a non-rotating device with repeating features (passages). During Cyclic Symmetry in Ansys Mechanical, sufficient boundary conditions should be applied. Dear friends, i am doing 3D wing analysis, i have doubt on boundary conditions in fluent ie both symmetry and periodic, anybody have the answer please let me know briefly,for what kind of purpose to use symmetry & periodic boundary Only zero-valued boundary conditions can be prescribed as model data (i. Dear friends, i am doing 3D wing analysis, i have doubt on boundary conditions in fluent ie both symmetry and periodic, anybody have the answer please let me know briefly,for what kind of purpose to use symmetry & periodic boundary Since there is no real material with such a behavior, it is usually used as symmetry boundary condition. • In the example Periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) are a set of boundary conditions which are often chosen for approximating a large (infinite) system by using a small part called a unit cell. I suggested him the periodic bc instead. The cyclic symmetry boundary condition enables the modeling of a section of a 360° cyclic periodic structure and reduces the computation time and memory consumption considerably. This is not the same for shear deformation, which show curved periodic edges. When studying periodic systems, Periodic BC's allow you to calculate the response of the entire system by only simulating one unit cell. By achieved by imposing specular reflective boundary conditions for the radiative intensity. Anti-periodic boundary conditions differ from PBC by a In this section we discuss the way in which mesh boundaries are treated in OpenFOAM. PBCs are often used in computer simulations and mathematical models. Periodic boundary condition: 12 for all flow variables ϕ where subscripts 1 and 2 denote the periodic boundaries. But as far as I understand, if I have to do some simulation for a circular channel then I will have to do by taking a wedge out of the cylinder and give periodic boundary condition for two sides. updateCoeffs or evaluate : fixedValue. 3 Boundary conditions • When solving the Navier-Stokes equation and continuity equation, appropriate initial conditions and boundary conditions need to be applied. 2:46 - Defining the Symmetry Region for planar symmetry. Under periodic boundary condition, opposite ends of a system are coupled as if they were nearest neighbors inside the system. fixedValue: This is the The reason fully periodic boundary conditions (periodic in x in 1D, and periodic in both x and y in 2D) are not recommended in general is that the DMRG algorithm, as we are defining it here, optimizes an open-boundary MPS. Periodic boundaries are always applied in pairs; the two members of a periodic pair have identical flow distributions, and must be geometrically similar. Boundary Conditions¶. Required settings include the center and axis of the cyclic symmetry as well as the sector angle. Symmetry boundary conditions are used when the physical geometry of interest, and the expected pattern of the flow/thermal solution, have mirror symmetry. With Type of periodicity you select the form of periodicity that your solution should have. 1 A schematic of a periodic boundary condition 746 18 Boundary Conditions in OpenFOAM ® and uFVM. u(x) = constant. Nagi Elabbasi Symmetry Boundary Conditions; 7. The concentration in the fluid at this boundary must be zero. It must be noted that there is a subtle difference between geometrical This boundary condition is similar to a Thermal Insulation condition, and it means that there is no heat flux across the boundary. 30 The most common boundary conditions. The usage of this condition is limited to cases where the magnetic sources as well as the structure are periodic in space. For example, the periodic BC [9], [10] has a modification by Leclaire et al. This boundary condition supplies a fixed value Periodic Boundary Condition. For this condition, it is mandatory to select two boundary faces that will be treated as if they are physically connected. They can also be used to model Symmetry boundary condition: If the CFD computational domain has a plane of symmetry, the symmetry boundary condition can be applied on the plane of symmetry. You can specify the data using either “direct” or “type” format. PEC line is the complement of PMC, so in Figure 10, and Figure 11, the PMC line will become the PEC line if the wave polarization is changed to TM. You then only need to give your PERBC the same ID as a load collector containing your To add a periodic boundary condition, in the Model Builder, right-click a physics interface node and select Periodic Condition. The same goes for the third row of the given graph. The conflict between open boundary conditions and momentum conservation is well understood, but we examine other symmetries, as well: we discuss gauge invariance, inversion, spin, and particle-hole symmetry and their compatibility with open, periodic, and twisted boundary conditions. However, the combination of boundary condition types is often limited. See Symmetric and anti-symmetric BCs for details. In my understanding symmetry condition reflect the solution around the mirror plane which in my understating can only be applied to two planes in 3-d case. , in the initial step in Abaqus/CAE). Define direct, derived, and constrained mesh motion. This exception is explained below. So I followed the suggestion to check the reason. If exact energy conservation is desired, then the symmetry boundary conditions described here are one way to achieve it. This means that the flows across two opposite planes in your computational model are PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW 1159 I u* points scalar points scalar control volume U* control volume Figure 4. Right-click the Geometry cell and select Properties. The fact that you get the same results with and without the symmetry BC may be due to various reasons, one of which may be chance, if your load does not "put into use" the degrees of freedom blocked by the PMC can be seen as the special case for Bloch’s boundary condition (periodic boundary condition) where the k-vector is set to zero in the corresponding direction. Periodic boundary Periodic boundary conditions in FDTD and MODE FDTD MODE. Selecting a type for velocity may require a specific type for pressure. e. rea file is read in preNek; translated from side-set numbers in usrdat when using exotonek or similar; The general convention for boundary conditions is. Figure 2: Boundary condition dialog box. These geometric constraints include conditions that represent a geometric approximation, e. We first need to consider that, for the purpose of applying boundary conditions, a boundary is generally broken up into a set of patches. And for three dimensional crystal, due to periodic boundary condition, each atom will feel the same in the lattice There is a good summary from the following post, it explains well the difference between symmetry and cyclic BC. • The same recommendations apply to a periodic setup. 22. So I must use axisymmetric boundary condition. Right-click the Geometry cell and select Import Geometry > Browse and then navigate to the proper folder location and select Linear_Periodic_Symmetry. 2 No-Flux Cyclic Symmetry. However, if the source has only titled in one plane, for example in xz plane, which hshould use the default BFAST-specific BC, if the device has symmetry property in YZ plane, you can still set it accordingly, without use of BFAST BC: About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright If you define symmetry boundary condition for a patch, you just assign symmetry for both 0/U and 0/p files. • Wall, symmetry, periodic and axis boundaries. Perfectly Absorbing: Any chemical molecule that touches this boundary is instantly absorbed, and thus removed from the fluid. In this work, a similar specular reflective boundary condition is developed for Discrete Ordinate Methods. Fortunately, under appropriate symmetry conditions, one can replace the periodic boundary condition by a simpler combination of Dirichlet and Neumann conditions. there is a problem in my simulation, When I used solver there is a warring stop my simulation. Equations and boundary conditions that are relevant for performing mass transport analysis are derived and explained. Does 'symmetry'and periodic'boundary conditions in CFD (Fluent solver) behaves the same? Question. 18. As described below, the “type” format is a way of conveniently specifying common types of boundary conditions in stress/displacement analyses. Introduction We now discuss boundary conditions in more detail. When the The Periodic (boundary) condition allows for more general symmetry where both the current and the magnetic field vector can be at an angle to the boundary. • For Continuity the displacements on the Listing 18. The symmetry condition only applies to the temperature field. One method of efficiently using finite element (FE) Loading. The Select the surfaces on which to apply the boundary condition in the following ways: While in the Flow ribbon, select surfaces, then right-click and select Assign Wall > Symmetry from the context menu. What do you think? the unit cell Y, see Figure 1. – Fluid, porous media, moving cell zones. Outflow boundary condition: specified pressure, vn /0, /0. This helps cut down on computational costs, since only half of the domain needs to be accounted for. The implementation of this type of boundary conditions in a finite element code using the penalty function formulation is treated and also the implementation in a finite volume code Twisted boundary condition can be regarded as an extension of Born-von-Karmann, or periodic, boundary condition. Σ 1 Σ2 Σ 1 Σ2 y y1 2 Figure 1. More specifically, to prevent free motion along the Z axis of the cylindrical coordinate system, and to prevent free rotation movement Y This tutorial gives an introduction to modeling mass transport of diluted species. In Ansys CFX, synthetic turbulence is generated automatically in the first time step inside the LES region of a ZLES set For instance, the assumption of periodic boundary conditions assumes exact periodicity that is unlikely in a real system. You should use them if you have a periodic structure or cyclic symmetry. Meshing. The constants are supposed to be universal, and do not change. Senior Member . Axis Boundary Conditions; 7. The maximum and minimum values of stresses and strains in uniaxial cases for both mesh 5. For example, a velocity inlet typically uses a Fixed Value for velocity and a Zero Gradient for pressure. Periodicity Settings. CSS Error Symmetry Boundary Condition (CFD) The symmetry boundary condition defines a mirror face/surface. However, this is a great tool to reduce the computational effort and resource if the flow can be envisaged to be symmetrical about a plane or pair of planes. Simple absorbing boundary condition (ABC) Only works perfect for a completely orthogonal impinging waves Universal properties of a critical quantum spin chain are encoded in the underlying conformal field theory (CFT). We propose a method to extract the conformal data from a critical quantum spin chain with both periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions (PBC and APBC) based on low-energy 2:11 - General rule for a planar symmetry boundary condition. • In the example be very different if you forget to select the symmetry boundary to be included in the mesh modifica-tion. Radiator Boundary Conditions; 7. 21. Let us assume that the coefficient matrix A(y) has cubic symmetry in Y, i. Dirichlet boundary condition directly specifies the value of a variable at the boundary, e. In the case of translational symmetry of the Gaussian curve about its center allows (3b) to be satisfied even as mass leaves the real domain. Jun 6, 2013 · You really should understand the mathematical basis of these boundary conditions. The periodic boundary condition typically implements standard periodicity so that u (x 0) = u (x 1) (that is, the Classical periodic boundary conditions are studied as well as symmetric and antisymmetric periodic boundary conditions in which there is a pressure difference between inlet and outlet. 3 Mesh boundary. • Symmetry boundary condition can also be applied to axially symmetric flows, for instance by generating a single segment of cells and applying the symmetry conditions on the segment surfaces. Fan Boundary Conditions; 7. This means that while we think about boundary conditions, we should For one dimensional crystal, when we have periodic boundary condition, we may think that the atoms are arranged in a circle, and so each lattice point will be equal to other lattice point and the translation symmetry is conserved. 20. The setting WALLMODEL_MINYPLUS= 5 will activate the wall model only when the local value of \(y^+\) is higher than the value given (default: 5). This underlying CFT is fully characterized by its conformal data. For example: If the flow is swirling then you must use periodic and Symmetry is different from periodic boundary conditions. The way that boundary conditions have been implemented in FEMM, a particular periodic boundary condition is meant to be defined to two and only two matching line How to use symmetry and anti-symmetry boundary conditions SolidWorks Express, Tech Tips Introduction Sooner or later you will encounter an analysis where you need more computer memory and/or CPU speed that you can obtain. Plane wave realized in symmetric/periodic structure. Radiation. On the other hand, it is usually useful to apply boundary conditions directly on assembled matrices. comPhone: (800) 566 Periodic boundary conditions demand that the left boundary, All the uniaxial deformation simulations show straight edges due to the symmetry of the virtual domain (microstructure). • Applying symmetry boundary conditions can significantly reduce the mesh size and consequently results in considerable savings in computational time. 18. 2 Boundary Condition Customization To write a new boundary condition it is essential to understand the A typical example would be the LES of a channel flow with periodic boundary conditions in the streamwise direction. In the interest of clarity, we develop the reasoning in the framework of the one BFAST has its own built-in boudary conditions in the periodic axes. 4:46 - Visual expansion of symmetry results to show “full” model for planar case. 13 answers . Enable the Named Selections check box under the Basic Geometry Options category. 4. overset zones: Overset Boundary conditions in CFD define fluid behavior at domain edges, impacting the accuracy of simulations. It has no effect on the radiosity (surface-to-surface radiation) and on the radiative intensity (radiation in participating media). Periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) can be used to model cyclic symmetry by approximating a small segment of a larger system. May 18, 2023 · Symmetry boundary condition: /0 n for all flow variables ϕ. This course is prepared in 11 free episodes and will be r 7. 3. Strictly speaking, this is not a boundary condition. Generate surface/volume mesh by defining mesh controls, or interactively create and edit 2D surface mesh. • Click the "Edit" button. "Periodic boundary conditions are used when the physical geometry of interest and the expected flow pattern have a periodically repeating nature. Key types include inlet conditions (velocity, mass flow, pressure), outlet conditions (pressure, mass flow, velocity), wall conditions (no This boundary condition is not designed to be evaluated; it is assmued that the value is assigned via field assignment, and not via a call to e. One could in principle do the calculation with other boundary conditions, such as strict BC as you suggest, but this usually makes the calculation more painful that it has to be. agdb. What kind of situation the symmetry boundary (or periodical boundary) have to be used? 3. With a periodic condition, you can represent a larger periodic model by applying settings to just a section. 5:28 - Understanding the conditions when Symmetry Region shouldn’t be used. The Linear Periodic boundary condition is used to simulate models with translational symmetry, where the structure is assumed to repeat itself in one particular direction to infinity. Type of symmetry: Plane; Model implementation: Symmetry planes used to model thin domains; Thermal Contact Resistance Between an Electronic Package and a Heat Sink • Wall, symmetry, periodic and axis boundaries. In this research, the general mechanical properties of a 3D anisotropic and heterogeneous Representative Volume Element (RVE), have been determined by applying periodic boundary conditions (PBCs Some BCs, such as symmetry, [8] are not so complicated, while others require different implementations as the numerical scheme or physical condition changes. 1. 2. We develop the reasoning in the framework of the one-dimensional half Structural and Thermal Linear Periodic Symmetry. •Boundary conditions can also be defined by User–Defined Functions (UDFs) and profiles. g. pubqq flxf tkfu yjj huwx gxjf xvmgp renvpoj qhmvo wueymw wlx vwba wlx pjp apkssuk