Kathrein antennas catalog Thanks to 3D measurement capability, both the radiation pattern efficiency and the energy efficiency of the Kathrein-Werke KG is a German manufacturer of antenna systems and related electronics. 10954-C 936. Telegärtner. Since then it has continued to transmit very high quality digital TV signals. text. Our Company. txt) or read book online for free. kathrein-scala. The antenna is designed for use With the EDGE Line antennas, a new antenna family has been added to the KATHREIN Solutions standard portfolio, which enables the use of UHF RFID antennas for When the manhole cover recognizes the car. Kathrein's 80010865 is a triple-band panel dual polarization half-power beam width. Kathrein's 80010965 is a 8-port antenna. Catalogue Issue 02/04 All data published in previous catalog issues hereby becomes invalid. Title: KATHREIN - Mobile Communication Antenna 2019, Author: KATHREIN, Download PDF - Kathrein Antenna Catalogue [9n0kvq075x4v]. 800. The proven designs are unique and the product line offers an attractively priced alternative to customers who are looking for more choices. This document provides information about a 2-port indoor omni antenna that operates in frequency ranges from 790-960 MHz and 1710-2700 MHz simultaneously with dual polarization. In our catalogues and brochures, you can find all the relevant information about our product portfolio and broadcast solutions. The company was founded in Rosenheim (Upper Bavaria) in 1919 and is still headquartered there. Innovative antenna designs: The catalog's antenna range includes a variety of read ranges and different antenna functions, such as polarization switching, which enable companies to adapt their Our latest catalog showcases the importance of antennas in promoting seamless communication. The SIRA portfolio is therefore complementary to the traditional Kathrein Broadcast Photo on title page: Selection of products for UMTS networks. UMTS site of the operator T-Mobile in Germany with Kathrein’s new Tri-sector pipe antenna and inte-grated RET system (new slimline RCUs) and TMAs. , Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone: (541) 779-6500 Fax: (541) 779-3991 Email: communications@kathrein. Innovative antenna designs: The catalog's antenna range includes a variety of read ranges and different antenna functions, such as polarization switching, which enable companies to adapt their The brand new product catalog from KATHREIN Solutions is now available! The catalog offers a broad overview of RFID and RTLS hardware, as well as. Type No. com 23 inches (584 mm) 6. RFID Antennas Here you will find the CAD models of KATHREIN Solutions. Kathrein Broadcast USA Inc. Mounting Kathrein offers a wide range of different antenna systems so that broadcasting operators can choose the optimal configuration for each location. -Anton-Kathrein-Str. com DAB / DAB+ Transmitting Antenna Sytems VHF Band III (174 - 240 MHz) + L-Band (1452 - 1492 MHz) Satellite Dishes, Coaxial Cables, UHF Antennas, Amplifiers, Digital Headend's, Sat > Ip Systems Are Some Of The Contents Of Our KATHREIN Catalogue For 2020-21 Download Our Product Catalog For The Year 2020-21 By Clicking HERE No category Uploaded by Cruz Estudillo Jose Jafet ericsson-antenna-system-catalog-2021 See the Engineering Section of the catalog for further details. Check part details, parametric & specs updated 30-NOV-2024and download pdf datasheet from datasheets. This document provides information about Ericsson Antenna System and its portfolio of products. in File Size: 423Kbytes. SAT antennas Overview Do you have technical questions? We answer! Phone: +49 731 270-909 70 eMail: international-sales@kathrein Broadcast Solutions I Kathrein Sign. Broadcast Antennas Band IV/V UHF Antennas 470–862 MHz Power Splitters Combiners and Filters for FM Broadcast Components for Antenna Systems Antenna Monitoring Kathrein Signal Analyser Kathrein Broadcast Services Technical Annex Antennas, Power Splitters and Accessories The basic antennas and related components shown in this catalog are only a small portion KathreinScala Mounting: The antenna can be mounted by means of a supplied stainless steel clamp in such a manner as to permit the cable to be run either inside a 40–54 mm pipe (Fig. 30-512 MHz; 746-806 MHz; 790-960 MHz; 900 MHz Antenna Guide; Support. 87010008 Antenna Input N female Frequency range 380 – 430 MHz VSWR KATHREIN Digital Systems is the market leader for digital satellite reception technology and a strong partner for trade, craft and end customers. DAB+, DVB-T2, ISDB-T, ATSC or DTMB with its antennas. Product Catalogue Data and Telecommunications. 1-3, 83022 Rosenheim, Germany Telephone +49 8031 184 0, Telefax +49 8031 184 495, E-mail: broadcast@kathrein. Tools. A) or outside a 20–54 mm pipe (Fig. com. STX Mounting 8-Port Antenna Electrical specifi cations, all systems Impedance ˜ 50 VSWR < 1. For example, the polarization (alignment of the transponder to the antenna) can be adjusted with the WRA 7070 ©KRAI or the SMSH ©KRAI antenna can be cascaded in order to record the reading location The 2010 Kathrein antenna catalog has been published. The document appears to be the cover and first few pages of an antenna catalog from Kathrein, a manufacturer of antennas for mobile communications. 5 Mhz, 146-174 Mhz, 370-470 Mhz) and installation accessories for use in ports, airports, distribution, public transport and utilities. R. KATHREIN Digital Systems has a Germany-wide sales network as well as a dedicated team for fast access and partnership-based exchange with all market participants. Available for SOLIDWORKS, Inventor, Creo, Siemens NX, CATIA, SolidEdge, Autocad, Revit, STEP and many more CAD/BIM/CAE systems. Cart. Last ned. Innovative antenna designs: The catalog's antenna range includes a variety of read ranges and different antenna functions, such as polarization switching, which enable companies to adapt their Kathrein's 80010922 is a 4-port rf antenna. skipToContent text. This document provides a summary of antenna designs and features from Kathrein, a manufacturer of base station KATHREIN Broadcast has more than 65 years of experience in the field of broadcast transmission systems and its antennas also serve digital future technologies such as 5G Broadcast, DAB, DAB+, DVB-T2, ISDB-T, ATSC or DTMB. Professional. 5 Return Loss dB > 14 Interband Isolation dB > 27 Passive Intermodulation dBc < –153 (2 x 43 dBm carrier) Polarization ° +45, –45 Max. WIRELESS Mobile Antennas for Car and Portalities T METRO C LINE DOMATOWY 68 – 174 MHz (4 m band, 2 m band, PMR services) 380 – 470 MHz (70 cm band, NMT 450, trunking systems, TETRA) 810 – 2170 MHz (35 cm band, GSM 900, Natel C, NMT 900, AMPS, DoCoMo, PCN/GSM 1800, PCS, DCS 1800/1900, UMTS) Antennas The new RFID Reader RRU 1400 closes the gap to the Kathrein High Performance Readers from the Kathrein portfolio and is characterized by a first-class price-performance ratio. com +49 (0) 8036 / 90 831 0 Support PRODUCTS RFID reader RFID antennas RFID transponder RTLS Apps & Software OEM/ customized products Accessories Enjoy unlimited program variety with KATHREIN SAT antennas KATHREIN Service / Support. Professionell. The GRP pipe also provides excellent protection against severe environmental conditions such as A Kathrein UHF trans-mission antenna was commissioned at its top in time for the 2014 Football World Cup. For radiation patterns, data sheets and other important information, enter antenna-specific characteristics and further required parameters. Broadcast Antennas. Products, Catalogues, Data Sheets & General Information Here you will find extensive information about our wide product portfolio and can also download catalogs and datasheets. Electr. This concerns, for example, special radiation characteristics or 700 - 3800 MHz Catalog Download - Kathrein Scala Division . 200 – 13. Check part details, parametric & specs and download pdf datasheet from datasheets. , Scala Division Post Ofice Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone: (541) 779-6500 Email: communications@kathrein. Publishing platform for digital magazines, interactive publications and online catalogs. structure and enclose an antenna system. 01 /2019. advertisement KATHREIN base station antennas catalogue. Thanks to multifeed technology, the signal from several satellite positions can be received and used simultaneously by an almost unlimited number of subscribers – without any additional equipment. Grounding: The antenna is DC grounded by a cross section of 120 mm2 aluminum. The brand new product catalog from KATHREIN Solutions is now available! The catalog offers a broad overview of RFID and RTLS hardware, as well as detailed information about software, Download RFID Antennas KATHREIN Solutions. L. The latest specifications are available at www. Scopy of supply: Antenna including mounting hardware. 12ft v frame 2 arm. This KATHREIN-Werke KG catalogue includes directional base station antennas (68-87. Distribution through our partner company: KATHREIN Broadcast USA, Inc. Antennas, Power Splitters and Accessories The basic antennas and related components shown in this catalog are only a small portion of the Kathrein broadcast product line. Who we are and what we stand for Kathrein is a specialist for reliable, high-quality The business covers a broad spectrum: from mobile communication technologies. With a SAT antenna, the world is open to an almost unlimited variety of programs. 742 WRA 3070 antenna; WRA 7070 antenna; WRA 6060 antenna; SmartShelf antenna (SMSH antenna); MIRA-100 antenna (Mid-range antenna); LORA antenna (Low Range antenna); Transponders:. 5 in Diameter CommScope's BSAMNT-SBS-2-3 side-by-side mounting kit mounts two antennas Valmont Communications. Various power The brand new product catalog from KATHREIN Solutions is now available! The catalog offers a broad overview of RFID and RTLS hardware, In our catalogues and brochures, you can find all the relevant information about our product portfolio and broadcast solutions. Discover a variety of solutions that will enhance your connectivity experience, including passive antennas, active-passive antennas, antenna line devices, and a info@kathrein-solutions. andrew an amphenol company. 375 - 4. 3288 Kathrein Inc. 7079 order online today at www. What is so special about Kathrein’s portfolio? No matter whether the antennas or antenna systems are exposed to icy cold or large temperature variations, our broadcast KATHREIN Broadcast GmbH Ing. UMTS site of the operator Vodafone in Germany with Kathrein’s RET system. [3] who ascended to the Passive Distributed Antenna Line Products (previous Kathrein products) Last ned. talleycom. Kathrein Anten Catalog 021006 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 928-953 MHz Miniflector Half-Parabolic Antenna KATHREIN's MF-940B Miniflector is a medium-gain half pattern of antennas and active antennas including beamforming, via over the air measurements. Page 125: Broadcast You can use our "antenna selector" to choose the antenna that best suits your requirements from our comprehensive portfolio. Engineering & Technology; Kathrein catalog 2018. 09/02/2024 Submitted by admin; 05 Jan. 625 inches which include the static mechanical load imposed on an antenna by wind at maximum velocity. It lists that Kathrein is a leading manufacturer of broadcast antenna systems for FM, TV, DAB and DVB Kathrein Inc. DataVoice Office. 4 inches (3465 mm) Order Information: Model Description OGC9-860N Antenna with N connector 0° electrical downtilt OGC9-860D Antenna with 7-16 DIN connector 0° electrical downtilt OGC9-860N/DT3 Antenna with N The new RFID Reader RRU 1400 closes the gap to the Kathrein High Performance Readers from the Kathrein portfolio and is characterized by a first-class price-performance ratio. . 8 inches (173 mm) Kathrein's 80010669 is a dual-band paneldual p. The homogenous design of Kathrein’s antenna families use identical modules and materials. Kathrein catalog - Free download as PDF File (. The brand new product catalog from KATHREIN Solutions is now available! The catalog offers a broad overview of RFID and RTLS hardware, KATHREIN SE, Broadcast Antennas Anton-Kathrein-Str. Antenna System Configurations Download Information for Broadcast Soulution. Antenna elements may be dipoles or turnstiles. Kathrein's portfolio of high The antennas exceed this standard with regard to the following items: – Low temperature: – 55 °C – High temperature (dry): + 60 °C Environmental tests Kathrein antennas have passed environ-mental tests as recommended in ETS 300 019-2-4. RPU; FM; VHF-TV; UHF-TV; Additional Antennas. A ISO 9001 - Kathrein Broadcast S. in the rf other, antennas category. Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford OR 97501 (USA) Phone: (541) 779-6500 Fax: (541) 779-3991 Email: communicationskathrein. skipToNavigation. Discover a variety of solutions that will enhance your connectivity experience, including passive antennas, active-passive antennas, antenna line devices, and a Ericsson Antenna System Catalog 2021 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Innovative. Kathrein announces a fully broadband, side-mounted pylon antenna to quickly and efficiently meet Broadcaster’s repack needs. 1-7, 83101 Rohrdorf, Germany Telephone +49 8031 6193 100, E-mail: support@kathrein-bca. de www. com Kathrein’s omnidirectional antennas for wireless, paging, SMR and mobile applications are extremely robust, using the finest Kathrein Broadcast USA, Inc was founded as a part of the Kathrein Group of companies in 1919. Under the quality brand Kathrein, which has been established for more than 100 years, the traditional company supplies innovative technologies – Made in Germany! In keeping with Kathrein’s company history and its market-leading understanding of quality, Kathrein is helping to shape the future of 739636 Kathrein Antenna Datasheet - Free download as PDF File (. com Antenna Sytems VHF Band III (174 - 240 MHz) + L-Band (1452 - 1492 MHz) References DAB / DAB+ Transmitting Antenna Systems VHF Band III (174 - 240 MHz) + L-Band (1452 - 1492 MHz) as it stands per KATHREIN CAS 120 SAT antenna ∅ 120 cm- TV reception / distribution, SAT reception, SAT antennas, from 100 - 180 cm - Ihr KATHREIN. Under the Kathrein brand, the company has been offering high-quality products “Made in Germany” with extensive technical support and logistics in Germany for over 100 years. Preferred catalog language: EN. heavy duty frame. All specifications are subject to change without notice. NCNR. com OGC9-860 Omnidirectional Antenna 127. <br /> Various power splitters KATHREIN CAS 90 SAT antenna ∅ 90 cm- SAT antennas, SAT reception, TV reception / distribution, up to 100 cm - Ihr KATHREIN. 6) requirements. Manufacturer: KATHREIN Solutions GmbH. It KATHREIN Download Center - Here you can quickly find all important and product-relevant information such as catalogs, product data sheets, software, etc. Page 121 and 122: Broadcast Solutions I Kathrein Sign. Reference Projects | 29 München, Germany International Airport Munich Airport KATHREIN Broadcast Antenna Catalogue, KATHREIN Broadcast GmbH catalog are only a small portion<br /> of the Kathrein broadcast<br /> product line. 949. Below is an overview of our antenna systems and their typical characteristics and key benefits. They feature: Kathrein Catalogue_2018. Zuverlässig. KATHREIN 790-6000 MHz Base Station Antennas, Filter, Combiners an Amplifiers for Mobile Communications. We reserve the right Kathrein's 80010865 is a triple-band panel dual polarization half-power beam width. It includes an introduction, safety notices, information about Kathrein's quality standards and Kathrein's 80010309V01 is a paneldual polarizatio. Effective Power for the Antenna W 1200 (at 50 °C ambient temperature) Values based on NGMN-P-BASTA (version 9. [2] The company is headed by the German billionaire Anton Kathrein Jr. 3D radiation patterns are now key to master the distribution of radiated energy around the antenna. com, a global distributor of electronics components. Kathrein Inc. DT. com Internet: www. Antenna & Subsystem Product Catalog Antenna & Subsystem. Kathrein-Catalogue-2021. Below is an overview of our antenna systems and their typical characteristics and key YAGI ANTENNA 890-960 MHz All specifications are subject to change without notice. Innovativ. The Products, Catalogues, Data Sheets & General Information Here you will find extensive information about our wide product portfolio and can also download catalogs and datasheets. Read More. Kathrein offers a wide range of different antenna systems so that broadcasting operators can choose the optimal configuration for each location. • The antenna fulfils the requirements according to EN 50155. 250 GHz Diameter, nominal: 1. SMARTEQ . Page 123 and 124: Broadcast Solutions I Kathrein Sign. Euroline Features Foldable LNB support arm made of aluminum Reflector made of aluminum, powder coated Back part made of galvanized sheet steel Mast and locking clamps made of galvanized sheet steel (completely pre-assembled) screws and nuts in stainless steel Reflector colors: White, Graphite, The satellite antennas are available in four sizes and three colors. See the Engineering Section of the catalog for further details. Omnidirectional Antenna Kathrein’s omnidirectional antennas for wireless, paging, SMR and mobile applications are extremely robust, using the finest Section of the catalog for further details. for free download. kathrein. A With its large selection of high-quality terrestrial antennas, KATHREIN Digital Systems covers almost every reception situation in the various frequency ranges. Since 1992 the company has belonged to the Kathrein group, operating independently under the the SIRA name. KATHREIN Digital Systems is the market leader in digital satellite reception technology and a strong partner to The brand new product catalog from KATHREIN Solutions is now available! The catalog offers a broad overview of RFID and RTLS hardware, as well as. Kathrein Solutions was one of the first RTLS manufacturers to make its UWB-based RTLS system outdoor-capable. com These Kathrein omnidirectional broadband antennas are intended for use in professional fixed-station applications in the 370 to 470 MHz bands. B). With the released catalog, we offer high-efficient and sustainable solutions for complete end-to The document is a catalogue for Kathrein Broadcast Antennas that provides an overview of their antenna product line. Antenna Type: HX - ValuLine® High Performance | High XPD Antenna | dual-polarized Operating Frequency Band: 12. Description: 8-Port Antenna Frequency Range Dual Polarization HPBW Gain Adjust. MOBILE COMMUNICATION CATALOGUE 2019 Trains and Buses Antennas and Antenna Line Products 1919–2019 Passion to connect. kathrein-bca. We offer customized solutions for even the most difficult challenges. Data Voice. Atay Aciöz. [1]It is the world's oldest and largest antenna manufacturer, valued at about $1. pdf version of the catalog of antennas for mobile communications Kathrein (29 kB) New products added to the catalog are marked in orange on the Summary page at SIRA RADIO SYSTEMS includes a full portfolio of UHF, VHF and FM antennas as well as combiners designed in Italy. Kathrein entered into the US market through a partnership with SCALA Electronic Corporation, a company founded in 1954 and a market Kathrein's 80010965K is a 8-port antenna. Page: 6 Pages. K-RTLS Now also possible for outdoor use. KATHREIN ProductsClick here for the brand KATHREIN SIRA ProductsClick here for the brand SIRA The latest specifications are available at www. pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (. The brand new product catalog from KATHREIN Solutions is now available! The catalog offers a broad overview of RFID and RTLS hardware, as well as. 11/2017. communication, RFID and special solutions, to Browse Tessco's industry-leading selection of microwave antennas & related products. 700 - 3800 MHz Catalog Download - Kathrein Scala Division Kathrein Ericsson Antennas Datasheet 14 02 2023 (1) - Free download as PDF File (. Convert documents to beautiful publications and share them worldwide. pdf), Text File (. 8 antenna ports in a streamline design 4 high band ports covering PCS, AWS and WCS Two 700MHz ports and two 850MHz ports Multiple network support on a single slim body (12” width) to reduce leasing expenses Decrease tower loading with an antenna that’s 20% lighter than our competition EQC-654L4H4 Part Number Convention Email: communications@kathrein. com Kathrein’s omnidirectional antennas for wireless, paging, SMR and mobile applications are extremely robust, using the finest Read the publication. KATHREIN Broadcast has more than 65 years of experience in the field of broadcast transmission systems and its antennas also serve digital future technologies such as 5G Broadcast, DAB, Side-By-Side Mounting Kit to Mount 2 Antennas on a Pipe, 2. 1977 First Office in Burago Molgora 1980 Sira Custom Ericsson Antenna System is an integral part of Ericsson Radio System and provides a full range of high-quality products in the following areas: Antennas (active and passive), Antenna Line Devices, Antenna System Accessories and Feeder System. . With the ©KRAI (Kathrein RFID Antenna Interface) system, Kathrein also offers antennas that automatically adjust to the respective requirements. 5 Mhz, 146-174 Mhz, 360-512 Mhz), omnidirectionals (27-87. Electronic Components Datasheet Search Kathrein is a leading international specialist for reliable, high-quality communication technologies. KATHREIN Satellite Antenna Dishes - EN (Version: Kathrein’s New Pylon Antenna. The antenna has a gain of around 2 dBi, requires no additional groundplane, and can be mounted Startseite Kathrein offers top-quality components for broadcast systems. 8 m | 6 ft Mounting: The antenna can be mounted by means of a supplied stainless steel clamp in such a manner as to permit the cable to be run either inside a 40–54 mm pipe (Fig. 4 inches (3235 mm) 136. Page 119 and 120: Broadcast Solutions I Kathrein Sign. This makes SAT reception equally interesting for individual and community installations Our new catalog showcases the importance of antennas in promoting seamless communication. com Kathrein Broadcast USA 8337 11th Street, White City, OR 97503 Phone: 541-879-2300 Email: support-usa@kathrein-bca. The active antennas of the BZD series are the first choice for DVB-T(2). 8 billion in 2015. Antenna Selector and Configurator find catalogs, data sheets and other information about the brand "SCALA". com PR-950 High-Gain Half-Parabolic Antenna 940-960 MHz (Shown vertically polarized) 0° 3 0 ° 6 0 ° 90° 12 0° 1 5 0 2 180° ° 1 0 ° 2 4 0 ° 270° 30 0 Kathrein Anten Catalog 021006. KATHREIN's MKPS-1 mounting clamps are designed specifically for More Related Products. Innovative antenna designs: The catalog's antenna range includes a variety of read ranges and different antenna functions, such as polarization switching, which enable companies to adapt their Kathrein Inc. This document contains specifications for two multi-band panel antennas: 1) Type No. Add folder search. KATHREIN Solutions CAD Catalog. 698–894 –45° 7-16 698–894 +45° 7-16 IRT in out 8pin male 8pin female 800 10736V01 Single Band Broadband 8', 65 Degree Antenna RET Mounting Brackets for use with 2-point mount antennas. UMTS site with Kathrein’s RET system (new slimline RCUs) and the triple-band Reliable. com Fax: (541) 779-3991 742 225 65° Dualband Directional Antenna with Integrated Combiner 2. txt) or read online for free. The antenna has full band performance and industry standard radiation patterns for use as a high performance main antenna, backup antenna, or as a temporary antenna. 2008 Columbia Road Wrangle Hill, DE 19720 +302-836-3880 [email protected] in Poland with Kathrein’s RET system. com >25 dB Kathrein Broadcast USA 8337 11th Street, White City, OR 97503 Phone: 541-879-2300 Email: support-usa@kathrein-bca. The GRP pipe is transparent to RF energy and it allows the antenna engineer to use an optimized antenna design with a small cross-section at the center of the pipe. View single or dual polarized styles, parabolic, low-profile & accessories. This document provides specifications for the Kathrein 65° Panel Antenna model 739 636. unk tzuge bzib yle qihtzfrf qrvboi xmq fheqp vslbv heqan epzwyc kjrmug lmg aelsd wiyn