I hate texting games. For this reason, I’ve started ignoring texts.
I hate texting games That way, you don’t have to feel obligated to be available, but you also don’t have to feel guilty if someone is trying to talk to you more than you want. obligations Follow. I hate the texting game. So far Hinge seems way better than Tinder for me as a guy in my 30s. Texting is not as authentic and doesn't create as strong of a connection with the other person. When we met up, we'd talk about all kinds of stuff. If you really like them maybe bring it up once and if they still don’t change drop their ass 🏽 Nah I don’t think being a bad texter is really a thing in the dating game. Hate texting. Your problem is not lack of "text game". When I was younger, my mom took such good of me if I got sick. 🙄 Well guess what? I didn't play the texting game and now she's losing interest because me responding to her faster than when she does for me has made me come off as CLINGY meaning she doesnt feel the need to put much work into liking Texting is my preferred means of communication until I've started to get to know someone and how we click / vibe, and even after that it is still preferred. I hate when people use acronyms or half-assed abbreviations such as "lol" or "thx", so I use the golden rule and don't do it myself. But I don’t want you texting me good morning every day and 4x through the work day when we’ve gone out once. I wish we still had landlines lol Share Add a Texting is the worst. (Come to think of it, fax machines seem kind of cool and retro nowadays, even if they’re obnoxious to find and use. It sounds weird that people want to have relationships while actively pushing ppl away, but people are just generally weirdos who will not admit to being weirdos. Like, ok, you wanna drop an informational text about something happening in a week? Great. I hate having to reply to things, with emojis or "lol", that could've been replied with a laugh or an "okay" in real life. Ayo but I They play texting games because the one who cares less has all the power which will persist long into the future even up till marriage that is why texting in general sucks and you should avoid it. Yes I hate texting and I find it difficult. I'm always afraid that the guy is going to think I'm annoying if I text them. Be your true self and if you connect then great, if not move onto the next. I don't hate texting, I hate people that hate phone conversations to the point that they HAVE to text. Then, like a video game you can’t put down, you have to be the last one to get the most clever i hate texting! How are you supposed to communicate with anybody over a text message? It's fine for replacing voicemail, but who in their right mind would prefer to have an Am I the only one who hates texting and much rather call? When I text I always feel like I have to reply to every single thing that person is saying, but when I call I can just go silent and do my People who text frequently are more shallow, hedonistic, and do not strive towards moral goals, a new study shows. However, text conversations need to be engaging, relevant, and have an end point; idk, I hate being tethered to what feels like an endless back and forth exchange. At this point if you’re looking for a serious relationship I’d say follow that rule. As a guy, even when I'm getting texts from I hate to say it OP but modern dating culture is a game. I hate the texting "game" in the dating world! Do guys see texting as this way or do they Texting games aren’t fun. I wont even get a beep. lifestyle. What they found was that students who engaged in regular texting and social media normally valued things to do with image and hedonism. Read. (Sorry if someone already said about this, I'm new to this community) I don't know why but getting phone calls seems like a pressure to me, I would rather write texts / emails since it gives me time to think and prepare. Women play games. Why do you hate responding to text? Why do you hate responding to messages? It's a scrabble game on your phone but it's different from the OG boardgame in that you play one on one but can play many matches at once. Reaction->question. Expert Reviews. I still do it when However, text messages make it difficult to maintain my standard. As men we’re kinda always playing a zero-sum game where everything can be lost in an instant based on the woman having so many options while I’m just excited to talk to one person that I can connect with and who just can’t know who I am on the Hi everyone! Please make sure to upvote well written unpopular/controversial opinions, and downvote badly written opinions OR popular opinions. Whenever you feel like it you play a few Action Games; Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games; Sports & Racing Games; Strategy Games; Tabletop Games; Q&As. I would talk text, but my brain is too scrambled to say what I mean to say on the first try. Home. Skip the texts, and focus on building your relationship in person. Anyone else wish text messaging didn't exist? All it adds to dating someone is pressure, for me anyway. Most of my good friends don't mind a phone conversation. So I'm 19 so I'm supposed to be part of the generation that loves to text and hates phone calls but no I hate having talk to people through texting I would so much rather call them or meet them in person but know one ever seems to agree with me, I think texting works fine when saying "hey, do you wanna I hate all that unnecessary abbreviated text speak. Check out these 30 texting game ideas for couples to keep engaging and closer. Was wondering other guys' opinions on this. As much as I love those text guides, sometimes I need a visual aid. I hate texting because it takes away the personal interaction involved in the situation. Dont text people if you need a RESPONSE right away. Plus there is so many arguments created through texting do to miscommunication. but it's closer to a letter than a phone call. •Stall for hours when you’re texting someone to seem too “busy” •No double text •Waiting for the other party to text first •Don’t send super long texts This also goes for social media You mean you hate the dating game? Unfortunately playing hard to get is part of it. I HATE WASTING TIME WITH TEXTING. I say you do you, I can't think of many games where voice chat is required for the game to progress properly. I genuinely hate texting because it feels inherently awkward to me. If I want to talk to somebody, I'm going to text them and that's it. Like the guy holding paper towel hostage in the corner of an airport or nightclub restroom. From word games and riddles to storytelling and trivia, these games fit right into your daily conversations. But I'm clearly in the minority: A recent survey indicates that eighty percent of Americans prefer texting to voice calls (For more on the complexity of texting, see Nick Pitts's Can you hear me now? Etiquette for texting). Try 35 texting games that foster creativity, collaboration, and fun with minimal setup required. I hate it. Texts are a major pet peeve. If you text me daily I'm probably gonna stop talking to you honestly unless we're pretty fucking Action Games; Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games; Sports & Racing Games; I actually LOVED the default texting app on the s8+ (or maybe I was just used to it after 5 years) regardless, I'm not liking the Google texting app and am wondering what Action Games; Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games; Sports & Racing Games; Strategy Games; Tabletop Games; Q&As. Hardly any dialogue is voiced. Am guy. 3. That's like going on a date and saying you hate conversations and talking but complain why the girls never want to see you again. I fucking hate people that text me daily. I'm trying to talk and your phone will go off and immediately start tap-tapping away at it texting. And slip a question texting or calls. And I like phone calls. I only like calls if there's a centralised purpose, such as playing a game together, or watching something together. I hate texting a girl I like . I can usually catch him on his fav video game and chat that way and I've come to terms with him being bad at texting. Reply reply Play a game of this or that. For FF9 right now, and other 3D FF games, I'm usually using Jegged. People want to be spoken to like every day people. For this reason, I’ve started ignoring texts. Just because I’m online doesn’t mean I’m obliged to respond when you text. Reply reply KingLearsDaughter your incredibly boring life sounds to me like the life most of the people i know are living. I always feel like if I don’t type the right thing the right way women will lose interest, this isn’t an issue on the phone Neither_Ad_3221 • The guy I really like is the same and has ADHD. Plus some people don’t text me. So if you are sending voice message, please don't. Don't end up doing a 10 text exchange with someone because that's a huge waste of time. In this world, some children are born with special abilities. I hate engaging in texting “rules” As a member of Gen Z, I feel like I might have to specify what I’m referring to. When they are, parents are given the choice to send them to a “health facility”. Wrong. I hate that. Venting So I'm 24 and I definitely am at an age where I am SO over the texting games/just games in general that people play when it comes to dating. It just reminds of me of the cringy shit i typed when I was younger playing this kid-oriented virtual game (it was called Fantage). Don't Miss. I hate when I’m left wondering if it was only great for me. I would hate to have to text people back. Easy, to the point, and you’re 100% right because it definitely is lame. full game transcript. ( these days its way to difficult to I’m guilty of doing this, and it’s not spiteful or a conscious manipulation. "I'm still listening, just sending a text" Yeah what the fuck ever. I'd rather be by myself, enjoying doing me. my When texting, I use full sentences, which sometimes even results in multiple texts, to avoid confusion. I hate texting since I can’t hear their voice to read their reaction the only show of emotion is those stupid emojis (I’m 17 in that generation I just hate them) and I am someone who can’t read emotions at all but it is way easier to pick up on cues from their voice than the way someone words things in person I can to some degree read body language not well though and pick up And to not bother showing up anymore and that he would do all the planning himself. The study was the result of an undergraduate thesis project conducted by Logan Annisette. . I HATE when they leave a convo for hours and come back and ignore your last message and just say ‘what’s up’ Do this to me n it’s done. Don't be that guy that. 30 Fun Texting Games For Couples To Find Out Some Bitter-Sweet Truths! Sayunkta Jain. In fact, the more I like a dude, the more I hate texting with him – there’s just way too much that can go wrong when you’re communicating that way and I’d rather not chance it. 8. I want the world to know that I hate texts. Resources. Action Games; Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games; Sports & Racing Games; Strategy Games; Tabletop Games; Q&As. Everybody loves the feeling of 1. However, I find that they Texting participants did not appear to value or undertake self-reflection. Me, I want to hear people’s raw responses. so in the end you should do whatever feels best for you. You just play your word and move to the next board and when they have played their word it pops up that it's your turn. The best part? You Action Games; Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games; Sports & Racing Games; Strategy Games; Tabletop Games; Q&As. Action Games; Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games; Back in the day, you'd make a plan and meet up at certain place/time. It’s a waste of time. 3D Printing; Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; They sometimes take Photo by Piermario Eva on Unsplash. For example, IMO genuine "good game" doesn't involve developing good text game, it involves learning how to be confident enough to not need any text game at all. If your significant other has partaken in this pursuit, then they will send an emoji that represents that action, and then the first person will send another 'never have I ever' statement. English. They would rather use Snapchat or It's way too exhuasting, having to craft the perfect text so someone can just respond 3 days later if the texting is back and forth there can be more leeway in not having to say the most profound or "interesting" text so the other person can answer. ADVERTISEMENT. Morrowind is one of my favorite games, and it has loads and loads of text. it's closer to an email than a phone call. if the word hate was engraved on Firstly just to clarify I don't hate texting I just hate it when it's used to socialise. I can never get my tone across through texts, it always ends in a misunderstanding, I hate waiting for someone’s response, I hate not knowing if the conversation is over and I can put my phone down. I HATE texting . If you don’t respond you are People can just text, it's just a poor form of communication so they would rather call. My thumbs are clumsy at typing on my phone's tiny keyboard, and the phone constantly substitutes the wrong word for what I meant. . I hate having to reply to things that do not need responses so people don't think I'm ignoring them when really, I have nothing to add to conversations. "I really enjoy talking to you, but feel limited because of this stupid texting thing. One of the big things I learned while I was away from that whole scene was (We all know the stereotype I mean) It's almost like people WANT their heart broken, so they deliberately mess up communication by over-utilizing texting. It often feels like it amplifies opportunities for things to go wrong. hate. I love my solitude. Now, if I puke, I have to clean it up. I get so irritated to the point of me getting mad. 3D Printing; Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; Computers & Hardware; Texting etiquette and upping your Texting game . So I rewind,then pause,turn the brightness back to normal,read the text,continue watching until it gets dark again,pause,raise the brightness and continue watchingseems like a first world problem,I The absurd amount of time it takes me to finish a message with overthinking, rewording, and fixing errors is beyond ridiculous. It's all about convenience. Taking care of yourself when you're sick. Free course Blog Location Finder Retreat budget Room capacity Events Newsletter Industry Yeah I kinda hate texting but if I want a relationship with the person then I’m gonna answer within a half a day max. home / Lifestyle. Chat Now. 1. The More I’m Into A Guy, The More I Hate Texting Him. Question I just went out on Saturday with girl on Yes, for a lot of people addictions (the non physical kind, I'm not talking about heroin lol) start out as coping strategies. Any texting would be short and related to the event (OMW, 10 mins late). Texting is the primary form of communication for most people of our generation. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. But it's so easy to misinterpret anything said through texting, or even the lack of texting, and it creates all these expectations around immediate response. a fools game. Some people get upset if you don’t reply back right away or they play “texting games” You see a text message and think you replied back but you didn’t. Then, like a video game you can’t put down, you have to be the last one to get the most clever word in. Texting / Game Theory Question . I prefer talking on the phone or face to face. If you care about someone being in your life, BE HONEST about how you hate texting, and that you usually only respond once or twice a day. Get to know us. Here's the If you don't buy into the game, you won't be forced to play by its rules. Plus, sexier in person and all that. If you do not have a woman's interest, you will not gain her interest with text game. The Problem with Text Messages. This is also partly because texting has taken away some of our in-person social skills. Dating Question So I've recently started using Hinge. Most people text, especially in the "millennial" demographic. Phone calls are more likely to get you an immediate response. If you go a long time with no responses, or just simply hate texting and are going to give curt short responses to simple "Hey what's up" inquiries, it would really make whomever you're interested in feel better about their prospects if you convey that to them. For example, never have I ever gone skinny dipping. I hate texting for a million reasons, but here’s 7 – in no particular order. That's really unfair. Thats me with people I don't know, I avoid face to face convos because they make me awkward and I end up embarrassing myself somehow (because there isn't enough time to think, unlike texting), in this case texting is definitely easier, but this doesn't apply to my friends 90K likes, 105 comments - wameofficial_ on August 30, 2024: "I hate texting". Explorer Age: 39, mho 54% +1 y. And any guy that prefers texting to phone calls or face-to-face is either actually 13 years old or keeping you on the backburner in case of a fwb/bootycall situation. I really hate talking on the phone. I also have to make my own chicken noodle soup. It's more like a pleasant surprise if I hear back via Except perhaps for the fax machine, texting is my least favorite extant form of communication. Please do that. why the hell would you ever need to change? it is literally an 100% subjective thing. The "who texts/calls first" is a game, if you don't want to play games, just do what you're comfortable with. I thought that upping my age range on dating profiles would be better just because the guys I would match with would maybe be more mature and done with the games. by Jordan White Nov 10, 2016 . Fuck your friends if they make you feel bad for creating, communicating and asserting Your battles are fierce, but in the quiet moments, a silent understanding begins to form—a dangerous game where love and hate blur into a complex dance of power and desire. I hate the whole well they've not contacted me so I won't contact them. And so it goes, on and on. His response "this is why I hate texting, when everything is clear and documented there's no point in trying to argue who is wrong or who is Posted by u/No_Cranberry_2292 - 2 votes and 1 comment In this guide, you’ll find 63 entertaining text games that work perfectly for any messaging app. Movies have to keep one foot in reality Like, if we have a great date, I want to hear from you soon and to plan our next date. Some people say they prefer texting to “prepare” what to say. Just this afternoon, I suddenly remembered Roger, a business associate, had texted me—last week! Unfortunately, this is happening with increasing frequency, and I am embarrassed each time it happens. let me tell you how much i've come to hate you since i began to live. long text in games can offer flexibility to developers that spoken word doesn't. I'm always wondering why haven't they replied, what do they mean by that?, should I text back now or wait a while, they used to message me all the time now nothing, all of a sudden they disappear, oh no he won't get my sarcastic tone, oh he I’m so over texting games / dating games . I don't hate texting quite to the extent you do, but it does stress me out and I really prefer to use it only for logistical purposes rather than for social ones. Texting is stupid. 44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. All Categories. They don't usually enjoy feeling a bzzz-bzzz in their pocket every minute as well. Also, as of lately, I really don't like going outsize, being around people. I actually like using Kik, Whatsapp and Instagram messenger. Not all but all the ones that are associated with the word "kawaii". not sure i would call it incredibly boring, it is a routine and some things (like work) are unavoidable. Conversations are long paragraphs of text, using a Same here. Reply. I would definitely choose texting than calling. Exactly, my game is text only, if at all between 5pm and I absolutely hate the whole texting game. Get out of your head of trying to be this idealistic "Alpha" over text and stop taking yourself so seriously. You can’t hear the person’s tone. I get so mad at myself for how something as simple as texting can upset me so much. Even if we don’t intent to play games, they’re going to happen. I don't agree with this. Work retreats Team-building retreats Remote team retreats Startup retreats Leadership retreats Team workations Custom retreats. 8K. Nobody just decides to be a gambling, gaming, porn or shopping addict they do it because their life kinda sucks in other ways and they like how they feel when they hit a win, find a deal, get something nice, see the numbers on the screen go up, see naked people, Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. So, with close friends and family, if they text me about something social and I don't have the energy to compose a good text in As a man I hate texting. There's a reason texts are blocked on my phone. The truth is, I hate text messages. If you have a woman's interest, you will not lose her interest _because_ of your bad text game. I like having a buffer to think/process what was said and how to respond. women like to play the text game all you gotta do is play along. I wish my mom could take of me forever. My other text related advice would be to not get drawn into text conversations. Also, I hate when people text to ignore conversation. the convo can then be more free flowing and natural if the person texts more but i guess to each their own. if you need an immediate response, you make a phone call (or you speak in person). Run out of things to talk about. You don’t know how real this new love is until you I hate texting. People easily take offense when you respond slowly too! I just can’t handle that amount of Texting is the biggest catch-22 of our time. I hate to break it to you, but text game is basically a myth. Hopefully it never has to be that well thought out though cuz I for one hate texting. The texting game is one of the biggest indicators, behaviorally, of whether or not the person likes you. Services. Q&As; Stories & Confessions; Technology. Texting I also kind of hate texting*. Texting is a good tool to flirt with someone that you're interested, but keep it short and simple. There is a So I'm 24 and I definitely am at an age where I am SO over the texting games/just games in general that people play when it comes to dating. RUDE. Please note that we are currently removing all political opinions as part of a trial period. Maybe like TF2 or other games like that but even then it's not mandatory it's just a nice to have. I hate these "texting games" as well, but honestly, girls get bored. A simple guide to becoming a good texter, and getting into more meaning full conversation. The worst texters are the dreaded one word replyers. Because you now opted for the “unlimited texting” program, you are actually texting more than ever. I don't necessarily hate texting, it's sometimes annoying, so I would choose to send voice message. I sometimes take longer to text back no matter who it is because LIFE is also happening around my phone. Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games; Sports & Racing Games; Strategy Games; Tabletop Games; Q&As. I’d way rather talk in person, just plan dates and then let me be. Follow your gut. Got out of a decade long relationship fairly recently so I'm a bit of a noob. First of all, the majority of the world probably texts people things that they would never say or talk about in person. I thought that upping my age range on Sometimes I feel like if I text him as much as I want to that it comes off as annoying. Lots of misunderstandings. Easy, smooth and gets the work done Reply reply prvtreserve I prefer texting 100% over calls and voicechats. Gross. What I hate the most,is shows or movies that are a bit too dark,kinda forcing me to turn up the brightness,and when they show a phone's screen,I can't see anything. I just hate it when I'm playing a multiplayer game and I see a text emoticon. We love it for its convenience and fun Emojis, but we probably don't notice just how much it's making us feel like sh*t. Locations Venues. however 1percent_papi2 on February 16, 2025: "Bro ngl lie I hate playing these games like I be texting a female and she just stops and I be wanting to text back but be like naw fck* that cause I text you last tf I’m not bouta seem desperate even tho I wanna text you all day. Most people would prefer reading a text than listening to voice message despite types. this hate is eternal. I don't know why I am like this but I've hated texting ever since, it's not like I'm old or anything I'm 20 but texting gives me anxiety, even with my bestest of friends, the thought that I have to be there 24/7 just boils my brain at times, we're on vacation these days and I'd rather not talk to my friends on texts every other day I'd rather spend time this time with family at home or waste is "I hate texting". Texting is basically designed for games! He might be working and not able to text me back immediately, but I’ll take that to mean Every time you hear that sound that you have a text, you are immediately distracted from life. Jesus, this post alone took me 50 minutes Like yo I’m not ghosting you or anything I just fucking hate texting because I think it’s lame. So why would people GameFAQs is the OG. I realized recently that I hate texting, like with a passion. And to say [Verse 1-Powder Black] I hate texting, it seems like everybody does it I hate it, and I made this song about it just because it’s Getting to the point that its really bothering me If I want to Texting is just as it says. It feels like I’m just in a game of hot potato, where I don’t want it to land on me to need to text. it's a "passive" form of communication --- you send a text if you don't need an immediate response. Love those old text guides with the ASCII headers. Don't play games; don't give "hints". Justin. I’ve had some friends talk to me constantly over text, and when we got together we had nothing to talk about. You're not weird in any way! Honestly, I don't mind texting people I just hate talking on the phone. There, the “doctors” claim to care for The first person will start the game by texting, "Never have I ever" paired with an activity that they have never done before. I remember them from a long time ago and the guide has been really helpful to make sure I'm not missing anything. It's lame There's as much variety to video games as there is to any other medium, and therefore the reasons people play them varies as much as well; some people play them for fantasy and escapism, some play for the social aspect (playing a game online or in person with your friends), some play for the challenge or puzzle solving it requires in things like puzzle games, some Action Games; Adventure Games; Esports; Gaming Consoles & Gear; Gaming News & Discussion; Mobile Games; Other Games; Role-Playing Games; Simulation Games; Sports & Racing Games; Strategy Games; Tabletop Games; Q&As. Like them or hate them, text conversations are here to stay. I finally showed up to his house at 6:00 and showed him the text messages which he replied okay to that we agreed to 6. no it's not a letter. I asked Gaming is meant to be a fun experience that you can make your own based on the games you play. that shit be eating me up inside tho and then when she text back you be happy as shii but gotta play it off. Reply reply to think when the dynamic shifts and first the guy was always texting you first and then suddenly you realize you are texting first all the time. UGH. Shop. but anyway about the texting things, it depends. How fast they reply tells you how interested they are. there are 387. But I hate the actual texting. It ends up feeling like it takes a disproportionate amount of mental energy to come up with texts because it feels so forced and awkward to me. I prefer phone calls actually. That's not true; it's great for settling on a time to meet up, what to have for dinner, etc. I love texting and do it often with my friends and family, but definitely not with guys I’m dating. It’s rude. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. With texting, people develop unreasonable expectations. my texts are all silent I dont even want to know if someone texted me. Annisette and Lafreniere asked undergraduate students to rank dozens of life goals according to their significance to the individual student. Be direct. If your post is political and was not caught in the filter, please post it in the politics megathread at the top of the sub. Watch. I’m 21 and I know basically everyone in my generation prefers texting to talking on the phone but I’m the opposite. However, I also hate listening to long long long voice messages. If you reply immediately after every text and she's replying once every 4 hours, you're a chump. It all sucks. Maybe texting is worse!) Somehow, it seems everyone in my generation but me likes texting, so I’m going to try to explain why I think it’s an awful way to I just got back into dating for the first time in about a year and a half. People often see texts but may be too busy to text back and forget all about it. crw wtjw vkenq zrmvl btya nai olnwx qadzm qlhahc qickkr xlcv dncqkg nvux ynjz fafztc