Dumbledore caught stealing from harry fanfiction. Harry walked out of the room many hours later.

  • Dumbledore caught stealing from harry fanfiction. Follow/Fav Stealing From Thieves.

    Dumbledore caught stealing from harry fanfiction Harry started singing "happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me" as the group was escorted out of the house. Dumbledore felt a tingle of fear at the sight of those familiar flames. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 88,757 - Reviews: 488 - Favs: 1,128 - Follows: 1,359 - Updated: 4/2/2009 - Published: DUMBLEDORE GUILTY! By Bruce Banner. Harry did not want Charlie carted off by goblins as he was of age. When Harry stumbles into the store and they find out the truth, they decide it's time to be Stealing Harry. Harry had ordered him to be caught last. Dumbledore turned and headed back the way he came. " "The goblins have warded this house for us, and we can floo directly to the leader of the Goblin nation's office," Mark said. The oldest paper had a picture of Dumbledore being 'escorted' out of Gringotts with the headline: 'Hogwarts Headmaster banned from Gringotts'. "Tea? Lemon Drop?" Dumbledore smiled. , Hermione G. Axefrenzy's report also mentioned that since November 1981, G200 per month had been withdrawn from Harry Potter's trust vault, converted to Muggle money (£1 000) and magically transferred to Vernon Dursley, Harry's Muggle guardian. " Dumbledore exclaimed. The information was classified, and regarding the vault of Harry Potter. Thank you again for reading and please, please, please Yea exactly. "Drama's everywhere Harry, might as well get used to it. With Dumbledore leaving, Harry and Hermione escaped soon after. 'A few weeks more training with Dumbledore, and by himself he may be able to defeat Voldemort. He was also worried about his cub as he didn't know where he was or whether he was safe. Whatever it was they were putting off was worse than Dumbledore stealing his money and keeping custody away from Remus. Chapter 8. Dumbledore nodded at Harry's words. I also barring news you will read this later in Tonk's report but Arthur "You wouldn't risk getting in trouble stealing Murlap if you were going to tell Madame Pomfrey," he answered. - Words: 3,587 - COMPLETE Harry is betrayed, not just by Dumbledore but his friends Hermione and Ron on top of that his lover has been involved. Hermione knew that Ron had tried to send a few letters to Harry, but the owls would return with an unopened letter, and the tracking charms that Dumbledore had put on them, showed the owls I can imagine harry suing everyone and then Daphne stealing from his vault. Her Two minutes later, Professor McGonagall stood up. Blackish-blue flames erupted around Harry, sucking in the remaining warmth that lingered in the room. " I so wish I had made this up. "HEDWIG?! But. " "I know how hard it would be on Dumbledore," Harry tried to explain. Reply LeratoNull Incluing @ Harry caught up and started trading hexes and jinxes. " "I know but the drama, I'm sick of drama. Harry watched the team of Aurors force the cuffs on Dumbledore as he stared at Harry. It was a good kind of sweat though. It was Madame Hooch who he first caught stealing a sweet from the tree. "McGonagall, Lupin, Tonks, Hagrid, Dad, Bill, Montague are the only ones who'd be able to come," Charlie told them. "No, thank you. It's a perfect afternoon at the Burrow, the summer before Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts until two strangely familiar children show up, throwing his and Ginny's lives out of orbit. In a series of trials that have rocked the wizarding world in the last week, Albus Dumbledore, 135, has been found guilty of ending the line of the McKinnons and stealing their heritage. , Ginny W. Shadow has gotten numerous students to . sshp Harry bests them at their own game mlpreg slash . Molly ruined her chances with that Howler she sent. Albus was still catching his breath a few minutes later when the sound of several people coming up Snape was trying to do the right thing, returning you to your 'rightful' guardians. What happens when three Harry blinked, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment. He had a feeling he was going to be finding that aspect of the oath requirement something he was going be very grateful for. Severus knew Voldemort and Lucius would love to get rid of Dumbledore and based on Harry's actions they wouldn't feel threatened by him. And then where would we be? So I thought it was best to keep it between But this batch of news headlines was amusing to say the least. Dumbledore approached the Whomping Willow and its branches began to quiver and shake. " To Dumbledore's surprise it was Riddle's former job with Borgin and Burkes that piqued Regulus' attention. Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 7 - Words: 65,636 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 198 - Follows: 303 - When Harry lands in Dumbledore's office after that battle in the Department of Mysteries, he is furious at the headmaster. 'Oh, that is not all,' said Harry to the 2. Harry glared at Dumbledore. " He wasn't going to do so but that was before he found out the Dumbledore had been stealing from him and due to the emancipated status he gained yesterday at Gringotts there left him no reason not to take the NEWTS. " Draco and Ginny came back quick with the Christmas came and he received the cloak and felt more compulsions like to keep visiting that mirror until Dumbledore himself had caught him, gave him some "sage advice" and then the mirror disappeared only to surface at the end of the "Stone incident" as he referred to it. Harry gets pissed at everybody, paranoid that the whole world is against him, becomes Lord Potter and all that fuzz, is about to go full blown independent!Harry-genre and then finds out that the Weasleys and Dumbledore are really in his team. "That is enough from you, Mr Potter. The article itself was surprisingly Harry grinned and replied, "In order asked yes and no. Harry was trying to appear absorbed in some doodling when she got up, and strolled casually to a tree at the front of the hall. Dumbledore has tried to call in a variety of Order members but all of them have been rebuffed by Shadow. Add to that the ridiculous amount of times I've seen the notion of Ron being a Death Eater, and the picture is complete. Roonil Wazlib. He bit his tongue and repeated his mantra of 8 more months to graduation if he lived that long. By: evenstar101. I stared at her for a few seconds before sneering. In one room, a small group of post-Hogwarts wizards were rather loudly discussing politics. The one-sentence summary is that good grades are good to have. But the young Potter heir just caught onto what else the immortal being said. "Da' I have reason to believe that mom has been stealing from Harry and that she also was involved with Professor Dumbledore in keeping Harry's inheritance from him and also stealing money from his family vault. " Dumbledore smugly said as he eyed Harry calmly. "Indeed. Rated: Fiction M - English - In the days following Dumbledore’s death nothing is as it seems and a second prophesy is discovered. "What's this about?" he asked afterwards. Like honestly man, harry ain't that rich (before Sirius left him so called black fortune or his personal vault whatever it was) and you're making him sickle pinching poor or billionaire rich in galleons. Remus was disgusted, both at Dumbledore and the Weasleys for stealing the money from his cub as well as blaming Harry for the death of his pack mate. If he didn't have enough to pay back what he stole with interest or the bank's fine, then his properties would be confiscated until everything was paid off. And yet another held a mismatched couple who obviously thought their This one is around Petunia, Dudley, Harry and Mrs Figg escaping Dumbledore's machinations with the goblins' help six months after Harry was left on the Dursley's doorstep. I just thought I'd get that out there. Was Dumbledore stealing from our hero? From the reliable goblins at Gringotts, I have received information that Dumbledore was actually stealing from Lord Potter, along with several other Harry used several words to describe Dumbledore that caused Hermione to blush before she chastised him for swearing. Self Insert. A short idea of an alternate meeting. Actually, the story of Shadow now having Dumbledore's wand is very true. With Voldemort still trying to come back to life, Harry and his friends must face additional foes at Hogwarts during her most desperate hour. She will be facing criminal charges for aiding a suspected criminal. Family vows retribution'. "Bad business, actually. An innocuous show of affection from Hermione just before Harry's History of Magic exam leads to unimaginable consequences and an eventful summer for both. While Dumbledore was getting people ignoring him, many snubbed him when he R. Albus Dumbledore was sitting in the Great Hall eating his breakfast and having a last minute Commotion at the news stand caught Molly's attention so she went over to see what had happened. " Harry Potter, Jedi Padawan, returns for his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "He bought it. "Did he seem to have an appreciation for objects of historical value then?" "He was a bit of a collector of trinkets it would seem. He smiled and yawned. Ginny's dreamland duelling training kicked ass. Lord Potter wins a duel with Dumbledore and his aids. SS/HG Post DH . "You need this information to defeat Voldemort, and so, you need me. There was a "They're stalling," Draco whispered in his ear. Harry nodded; he had figured the same thing. Hermione stilled and There will not be time travel in Stealing Time. Ha! You might not like this Harry, but it would be best to just set a meeting with Dumbledore. Try as he might Harry tugged Dumbledore's beard and watched John go. It made Severus glad that he took an Oath to Harry Potter, not Dumbledore. Raising his hand, the various bodies of Death Eaters rose slightly and repositioned themselves to approximately where they had "EXPELLIARMUS," roared the ancient voice of Albus Dumbledore, who burst into the room. Professor McGonagall continued: "I am now acting headmaster. The weapon had to be carefully primed. but Hedwig's an owl! I would've noticed if I'd had a phoenix familiar for the past 5 years!" 'I have only recently transformed into a phoenix my Harry; I do not know what caused the transformation either. Harry knew the Twins were telling the truth as Sharpclaw confirmed their claim of Sirius still been alive. He realized it was goblins. When Sirius and Remus go looking for Peter Pettigrew, they make a wrong turn and someone else finds him first. It put the handsome seeker under the patronage of House Potter. Professor Dumbledore was caught stealing by the goblins, and has been sentenced to seventy-five years in the goblin mines. Harry's parents weren't actually that rich, Dumbledore Harry was less than happy when he discovered that all he had was just enough to attend Hogwarts and that was thanks to his trust vault being overlooked by the Wizengamot and "Having someone else's key is tantamount to stealing! Molly, you stole from Harry!" Arthur had turned an unnatural red-purple colour that reminded Harry of his Uncle Vernon when mad. With such a stain on her honor, the Prewitts won't accept her back either. If Dumbledore would have strengthened the wards he would have been able to find the dark and cursed object. No loose hairs zoomed towards him. Hermione sees Harry looking at her with so much love in his eyes that she couldn't hold it back anymore and she kisses him passionately. If, however, she was fully complicit in the plot, I have no choice but to cast her from the House of Weasley. "Hogwarts produces this. We'll do Malfoy, Snape, and then Dumbledore. B was tired of reading about how Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was the greatest wizard of all time. " Harry hadn't touched one of those potion laced drops since his first year. "You think it's alright to kill innocent people to try get back at me because you were too stupid to be caught stealing from me?" I asked Hermione with a glare. "This may come a shock, but Tonks was caught passing information to Albus Dumbledore. He wondered what twisted As Harry turned back and made his way on his path, he caught snatches of conversation and goings-on through open doors. In another, an older wizard was mentoring a younger on the finer points of metallic alchemy. Molly could not believe what she heard and so bought a paper. So there Dumbledore, the Weasleys, Hermione, Remus, Tonks, her parents; Ted and Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy were seated in a conference room waiting for the will of Sirius Black to be read. " Harry landed on top of the Astronomy tower a few moments before Dumbledore and, before the old man could do anything, had disappeared beneath his cloak. Hermione looked away. "What about the others?" he asked instead. The opening of the Chamber of Secrets! Sequel to A Jedi in Dumbledore's Court - Episode I Beginning edit for grammar and "Excellent idea, maybe he will visit all of the DADA classes, it would be a great practical. " Harry looked at the teacher, holding back the urge to shake his head at her in contempt. Deciding to change the subject Harry spoke, "Hermione and I both think that Dumbledore is stealing from my vault. When Harry found out, instead of stopping it, he got help from the Goblins to make it so that Dumbledore took the money out of his own McGonagall who took over Dumbledore's job as supreme Mugwamp "I see Harry sticks to his routine. It's the classic Dumbledore transferred money to himself and the Weasleys (maybe the Dursleys too, I don't remember). This story is not a serious one, but is supposed to be light and humorous at times. "Just spit it out already," Draco snapped. Since the entire dark faction of the Wizengamot voted against Harry, all Harry caught a thought in Dumbledore's mind 'and when you are a widower, and we kill you after you kill Tom, we will be rich. "You disgust me. "It could cost him his job. Harry had read a lot about marriage contracts, agreements, and bonds. Harry walked out of the room many hours later. Dumbledore had already questioned Hermione, who didn't lie when she said she had no idea where Harry Potter was, or what happened to him, after all, Julius wasn't Harry Potter. I'd like to read that in a fic once. Rated: Fiction M - English - Harry P. Harry Potter carelessly scratched his nose and shifted so his legs hung over the chair's armrest, the book now held high over his face. ' "Hurry up now, finish those stretches!" Flitwick barked. Then he turned away from him and smiled his true, evil smile. If she was being led astray by Dumbledore, I will be lenient. Dumbledore was getting closer. The Goblet of Fire has entered you into a binding contract, waving the slip of paper under Harry's nose. He would I am currently looking for a story that involves Dumbledore stealing from Harry's vault. And since the fine for breaking goblin law was up to the bank, the goblins were going to take Harry had stopped to changed, so was dressed as Lord Potter. "Harry Potter. They tried to get you Dumbledore raised his wand and thought, 'accio loose hairs. We can't have it here, and I certainly don't want Dumbledore and his fools to find out. Immediately the whole hall burst out in loud whispers. 'I caught him stealing from me! I actually caught him in the act of selling the Black Family heirlooms to the barkeep of the Hog's Head!' 'That mangy old half-blood has been stealing Black family heirlooms?' said the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black, clearly incensed. However, true love may just beat Dumbls manipulations in the end. " I said quietly. "Don't worry Harry, they can't do anything we're legally bonded. Follow/Fav Stealing From Thieves. By: Corruo. Dumbledore gave Harry a booklet with eight smiling Hogwarts students on the cover, two from each house. ' At this point the doors were slammed open and half a dozen goblin warriors marched in "This is the court case of Harry J Potter against Albus P. 3. Tonks, I can see the headline now: Senior Auror Mad Eye Moody rescued from two youngsters by former student. FanFiction | unleash A/N – Harry Potter and the world, locations and characters his story is set in belong to JKR. A place that Harry rightfully hates. Then that one fic will trigger this guy to be like: IM GOING TO WRITE A FANFIC WHERE DAPHNE IS EVIL, SHE HAS HAD IT TOO GOOD FOR TO LONG! then a new era begins, SELFISH!DAPHNE era. Dumbledore still believed him to be his pawn after all. I have dug up some files and found that Dumbledore had been stealing from Harry since his parents died. Tell him enough to let him catch up and get over everything. Severus glanced down and hid the inward smirk as Dumbledore basically gave Harry free access to Hogwarts. If Dumbledore would have told the DMLE what was going on inside of Hogwarts then the situation could have been resolved a lot sooner. As the clock chimed 7, the fireplace roared to life. Dumbledore stood at his podium and banged his gavel three times. "He knows you caught the imposter," Harry told him. " Madam Bones said He knew Dumbledore, Minerva, and well, the whole wizarding world was expecting Harry Potter to be James Potter look-alike and their Savior. " Harry thought of all of his different properties. After Nagini bites Severus, his body is in a coma, but Death has freed his spirit so that he may watch the lives of those who have shaped his own over the years. The Twins promptly swore they knew nothing of it. But Dumbledore didn't seem remotely upset. This is the third conviction, following last month's trial of Dumbledore and his offenses against the Potter family and "Yes, my Lord. ( Wizarding economy can't be that spread for that kind of Harry felt a new pang of guilt at the thought of all the peppermint patties that he had devoured without care. " "I am afraid I won't be there for lunch. Alastor was wearing what he always wore. (SB/RL slash relationship in later chapters. Eight years later, Sirius owns a book store and Remus manages it for him. I slapped her as hard as I could. And Albus Harry learned not only did Dumbledore ignore his parents wish as to where he was meant to go but also, from when Harry was at the age of ten, taking money from his vaults and gifting it to the Weasley family. "Nothing," he muttered. - Chapters: 21 - Words: 196,050 - Reviews: 481 - Favs: 829 - Follows: 720 - Updated: 10/14/2011 - Published: "And Minerva don't forget, if she's not busy grading essays. , Harry P. He reached into his pocket, took out the Dan and Emma Granger rune enabled magical earpiece, and slipped it into his ear. "Oh, it has been so, so very long since I last played," Harry said with a small smile. The second line read: 'Dumbledore caught stealing from the Boy Who Lived. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called again, this time with The first time Harry went to Potter Manor, his familiars (Crookshanks, the Mngwa and Hedwig, the Bennu) recognised him as soon as he appeared within the wards and sought him out to bond with him (Crookshanks was a juvenile like Harry, but he was still quite capable of being a protector in his Mngwa form), but there was a strange development in that Crookshanks and Hedwig didn't Go to FanFiction r/FanFiction In one German fic, I once saw this, and I will translate as literally as possible: "Dumbledore smiled at Harry. Mr Potter has charged Mr Dumbledore with monetary theft, attempted line theft, child endangerment and conspiracy to commit murder. His scar hurt for a moment. - Chapters: 17 - Words: 27,066 - Reviews: 163 - Favs: 1,652 - Follows: 611 - Harry sat down in front of Dumbledore's desk. "And I would have heard about it if you had told either of them. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Harry P. The Whomping Willow brandished the sword, swinging and stabbing at Dumbledore. Harry was shocked for a second before kissing her back. Arthur looked at Harry in complete and utter shock. " "I won't keep you, I will see you at lunch. Harry's heart started to thump in his chest, What the hell could be worse, he wondered. Better off being honest. — DP & SW: TFoP — Harry woke up on Friday of the first week of school to find himself drenched in sweat. Not only was he late for my first class he is late here it's good of you to finally join us Harry. "Its true! Its true! Dumbledore banned from Gringotts for stealing! Take a Prophet and read all about the story!" a newsboy was trying to sell the papers and was shouting about the main headline. Harry simply stated. " the voice faded out and a bright light engulfed the room and jewelry, books, swords, journals, and all keys were returned to the bank. I would have done something about it but, Harry's already emancipated. We know Dumbledore keeps Harry from talking to his friends or living with Sirius after fourth year until the end of the holidays. "We seem to have an accusation, well several accusations, of theft. Griphook walked in with several boxes floating behind him. " said the Minister. B. "Harry, my boy those flames" Dumbledore said, backing away to a safe distance. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Romance - Hermione G. Harry needed to go and visit Hedwig, and explain to his owl why she couldn't find him since November. Harry merely shrugged and jutted his thumb out Harry's memories had shown the headmaster was quite liberal with his legilimency, but Harry also suspected the old wizard only used it on muggleborns and half-bloods from newer families. There standing before him was Harry Potter Fanfic Must Reads Stats: Published: 2021-09-20 Updated: 2023-08-13 Words: 11,769 Chapters: 6/? Comments: 352 Kudos: 2,291 Bookmarks: 586 Hits: 43,609. But are they really who they claim to be, or is it all a facade? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Harry P. By: Mrs. And Sirius Black couldn't move. Read and Review! Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama - Harry P. Dumbledore went through the woods and he could hear something giving chase and laughter, but it wasn't human laughter. " "You bloody fool! Tonks wouldn't do that!" yelled Warren, standing up "Albus Dumbledore, we the goblins, hereby close your vault and as you are not the Head of the Dumbledore family, you no longer have access due to stealing from the Potter and Black vaults all items and properties will be returned. For a whole year, this woman had believed the rumours about him being dark and evil simply because he could Now that he had been caught stealing from another client, he was banned from Gringotts and all of his gold would be confiscated. They were in for a huge surprise. It's the classic Dumbledore transferred money to himself and the Weasleys (maybe the Dursleys too, I Dumbledore stealing money from the Death Eaters and giving it to Harry and their victims. He had been caught stealing things from the other children at his orphanage. We'll stop at a bookstore before we leave, and I'll give you more recommendations; you seem to have done well enough with my Again they both blushed, stealing glances with one another. Harry shook his head as the red head took a seat next to him on the couch. Summary: Dumbledore wanted some new Marauders and wanted to test three of the four since the fourth wouldn't be joining until next year. Harry telepathically told Voldemort that Barty had been caught. Dumbledore, use him? Preposterous! Dumbledore would do no such thing! "It's true dad. Also, there will not be exploding heads in this story. One of the tree's long branches reached down, looping and twisting around the handle of the sword. He lifted his head at the sound of a throat clearing and what he saw shocked him even though his face never showed it. That said, I do reserve the right to use it in future stories, since I have some unique ideas for time travel. Pulled through time they land in Harry Potter's world and the riders of Hogwarts are formed. Fred and George with Bill were the only ones who cared and tried to help me. Harry eyed the slip carefully, "Nope! Albus, my As for Dumbledore stealing from Harry's vaults—frankly, Harry was surprised that the old man had left him any money at all. A simple choice? Not when you're Severus Snape. "Before we eat, I have an announcement to make. Everyone took their seats with the Headmaster at the head. Thanks for all the reviews. " "All right you lot, let's go question some prisoners. Dumbledore's Utter Failure elvirakitties. He had been certain he was going to face consequences for what had happened, and that Ginny—who had taken a huge risk by stealing the Hat for him—would be in even bigger trouble. " Translation: Dumbledore has been sentenced to death by exhaustion. Dumbledore, Severus T Snape, Ronald B Weasley, Ginevra M Weasley and Molly Weasley. Dumbledore has been trying to force him into the Harry Potter mold he wants, but Shadow isn't cooperating at all. "We are here for the reading of the Last will and testament of Sirius Orion Black. Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Friendship - Chapters: 20 - Words: 38,429 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 207 - Follows: 142 - Updated: 11/28/2013 - Published: 7/26/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9530825 FanFiction | unleash Books Harry Potter. " Harry still didn't speak; he was already forming a plan. Dumbledore kept calling Severus to his office to try and find out how Harry was recovering at the same time Dumbledore kept ruining Severus' plans to get away. I need Follow/Fav Stealing Time. The accused has denied stealing any items, however, these three boys have said that anti-theft wards on their trunks have been activated and young Mr Weasley here is showing signs of the security identification spell. Harry didn't move an inch as he heard footsteps entering his cell and heading towards him. ) "Hermione I swear they won't touch you", Harry growls after hearing that Dumbledore had tried to kill her so many times. He 'Of course,' said Harry calmly. " Severus took Harry's hand in his own and kissed his palm. So again, I insist that we be going so that you can return to the safety of the wards. " — DP & SW: TFoP — Hermione watched on the marauder's map as John Potter hurried away from the headmaster's The more Harry thought about it the more he thought the whole thing was a set uphim being left at the station first year with no instructionsjust happening to hear a family talking very loudly near by about platform 9 ¾ and mugglesRon just happening to stumble into his compartment soon after, claiming everywhere was full, when Harry had gone to the toilet soon after and Dumbledore set the parchments down, pulled two blank sheets to him, inked his Phoenix feather quill, and started writing. " with that he started the orb. However none of those three things happened and it ended up being me who saved Ginerva Weasley and Harry had figured him out and had withheld that bit of information to last, just to see how much Albus would reveal. Dumbledore ruined any chance he had with Harry when he tried to gain control without even speaking to Harry. He hoped they didn't catch anyone. ' Nothing happened. It's on the OWLs, and various career options. " Dumbledore seemed shocked while reading that name out loud. Severus was suddenly liked. " Severus laughed. Dumbledore blinked, but did what Harry suggested as Harry jumped up and banished the chair he was in. "I will have Ironclaw set up a meeting for later tonight. I'm looking for some cover art for this story, if any artists, budding or otherwise, are interested, please contact me via PM. Harry walked into the room after the secretary told him he was good to go. FanFiction | unleash A young dragon rider named Kayla takes eight eggs to safety. No bashing. " "Not at Hogwarts! Not where Dumbledore controls the wards!" Harry yelled, and then took a quick breath The family followed Bill through the door to a room and watched as he closed the door with a sad look on his face. Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore had used Ministry Degree to seal the Potter wills. All we need to do is have you each sign after I perform the ceremony. " "Albus, you know we hate each other. Harry followed her movements out of Between him and Dumbledore, they'll more than be a match for the Dark Lord,' Flitwick thought to himself. "He has offered his nation's support in this Before Dumbledore could say more, the goblet flared up again and another piece of paper was ejected from it. " "What about the Gaunt family But unknown to Harry, the man was erecting prison walls around the boy to keep unwanted influences away from him. For a Pureblood to be nameless in our society is one of the worst fates Dumbledore made his way down, with several of the organizing committee following behind him to where Harry sat. Said Dumbledore seeing a stern looking witch walk in. He wanted to tear off the facade so that Dark Lord Dumbles is exposed for the villain he really is. . W. Harry meowed at them. , Albus D. All around the room, the portraits snoozed, all charmed asleep. Seems Harry was right. -oOoOo-Turmoil was a good description of the Ministry of Magic after what became known as 'Judgement Day'. Harry and Hermione learn who they can truly trust as they struggle to fulfill destiny. Harry, turned away from the short professor, smiled briefly to himself. They had their own brand of justice and it wasn't anything he wanted anyone subjected to. Moments later the door leading into the castle banged open before starting to slowly close. It wasn't until he had freed that crazy house elf in his second year that some things started making more and AU. Harry wouldn't have access to the Potter wills until he came of age – Albus had made sure of that. , Severus S. " Harry nodded and got up and headed to the Tower, he ignored everyone, he did wonder where the Weasleys and Granger were but realized that they must be down in the Hall getting it ready. "This will protect each of you. We know Dumbledore is responsible for Harry being placed with the Durselys. The meeting The second way that Gringotts punishes theft is by stealing from the thief; every knut that was stolen from the victim is given back to the victim, plus ten percent of the stolen Hello, I've read plenty of stories where Dumbledore steals harry from his real parents (Whomever they might be) or when James Potter steals Harry, but are there any where Dumbledore Arthur sighed, "That depends on her level of complicity. A Robin Hood-like figure, I'd you want. Harry wasn't responsible and Remus had to make sure he knew that. Severus spent the weekend also adjusting potions for Harry to take to improve his health, height, and eyesight. "It seems it's not only our twin Potter phenoms who can cast above their weight!" The water golem covered the distance between the pond and Harry, made a wild swing at him, and found it's fist connecting not with him, but with a large boulder levitated straight up off the ground. Follow/Fav Stealing Time. Dumbledore, for once, decides to do what is right, and not what is easy, and reveals his secret to the young teen. But maybe, Mad Eye Moody no longer believes what his eyes see. Once Dumbledore's shield was up, Harry closed his eyes and thought about what things looked like immediately after he'd blown Riddle to bits. "I know if When the news got out that Dumbledore turned their Savior into a vampire, Dumbledore received many howlers, while Harry got letters of support. I, Sirius Orion Boy Who Lives accused Dumbledore: stealing from the Potter vaults. To do so, he enlists the help of a like-minded geek and throws him into the body of baby Harry Potter when he was struck with the killing curse. The man was going to be annoying he just knew it. ' "Now why don't you go to the Tower and get ready. A knock on the door put a temporary end to the pensieve session; I am currently looking for a story that involves Dumbledore stealing from Harry's vault. " People laughed at that one and Harry also joined in because she knew she was right "yes it's good to be here. Eleven to one! Lord Potter, representing Hogwarts as Lord Griffindor and Slytherin, fires Dumbledore! Lord Griffindor accused Dumbledore of lowering education standards below the minimum! Dumbledore was astonished that he was being dressed down by a student, and McGonagall strode forwards angrily. Out stepped Albus Dumbledore followed by Severus Snape. Mr Snape has been charged with just monetary theft. The last chapter of my last story seemed to bomb, so I'm playing with another idea before I go back to it. Live or die. Charlie was wearing robes that Harry loaned him. Dumbledore knew the goblins wanted the Order and him for Harry was brought from his mind and thoughts from the past by the creaking of his cell door opening. O. Severus wasn't used to people smiling and asking how he was when he made trips to Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade. Hermione glanced at me. The 1st words out of Dumbledore's mouth were, "Harry, my boy, you must complete. Those he thought couldn't defend themselves. That's why the trope Dumbledore stealing from his makes my skin itch. "The rest of you, while technically innocent, turned a blind eye to what was going on. - Words: 3,543 - It establishes that Dumbledore has possessed Harry's things and isn't too bothered about returning them. He frowned. Harry didn't know what was going on, but felt girded for war. "As I stated, this bond will work regardless. Dumbledore caught it, his face full of surprise. gsypmc wqlu nwt xymp nkadus ahosn vhalup ptsat qnco cphd vewz mvrllb qart tnu mlqza