B1 conversation questions pdf Make talking, listening, and speaking a key part of your ESL program. Textbooks and language This speaking activity for B1-B2 ESL students consists of a series of 15 intriguing questions that encourage students to engage in critical thinking, imaginative dialogue. It is best for small groups or as a pair-work. Remember, it’s a 2 minute conversation task, not 2 minutes to answer 1 question. Fonts. 1/1 QT001 - Question Tags - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 - QT001 Author: Nikolaus ROSMANITZ Subject: QT001 - Question Tags - PDF Grammar Worksheet - B1 \(Intermediate\) Created Date: 2/28/2020 5:13:18 AM Use these Speaking Part 1 chat cards as a warmer, cooler or filler. Speed Dating speakin. Practical English conversations: listen and practice your English. The interlocutor leads the discussion by selecting from the questions below. Then, have the students complete the first In the example on the right above, I have given you an example of how I would answer these questions in English. The more REAL English conversations you listen to, This speaking activity is designed for B1-B2 ESL students and features 15 unique and engaging discussion prompts. Conversation Cards. Conversation Task (Speaking and Listening) ACCESS . This worksheet conta. . It does not generate scores for a leaderboard. Begin by explaining how to use echo questions to encourage someone to speak and show interest in what they are saying. (Easy Print PDF & US English Audio). Subscription required. The questions cover topics like personal information, family, hobbies, school subjects, free time activities, food preferences and reading habits. Need more practice tests? Read short conversations and answer carefully the questions. 113. You hear each conversation twice. 694 uses. For more wo Donate a coffee. There are 6 possible topics for Trinity ISE I conversation questions: This page is intended to be a resource for English learners and teachers. 3) How would your country change if children were allowed to vote?. DOWNLOAD . These lessons are ideal for classroom, online, and one-to-one teaching settings. Each person enjoys different things and finds certain things fun. 722 Free printable phrasal verb conversation questions worksheets. English ESL Worksheets Ability. 1/1 Adjective and Adverbs - Downloadable PDF Worksheets for English Language Learners - Intermediate Level (B1) Home / B1 / Grammar / Reported Speech Reported Speech (B1) These conversation questions designed as word formation exercises were made with B2 First level in mind using topics seen in Cambridge exams, B1 B2 Blog C1 First (FCE) IELTS ISE I ISE II ISE III Preliminary (PET) Download a pdf version of They are funny and unusual questions for adults and teenagers. These conversations . Accident 7. Perfect as conversation starters, these thought-provoking topics can be used with both groups and individual students. TEFLlessons. https: Conversation Questions (B1) LEVEL: B1 PREMIUM; PREMIUM Conversation Questions (B2) LEVEL: B2 PREMIUM; Related The ESL discussion questions are designed to be accessible to a general audience, but are open enough to allow advanced speakers to develop more complex responses. 1/2 This is part of the challenge of speaking at at C1 level for the ISE III conversation task. LG80. 3 different types. The best way to encourage classroom interaction is to download and print the environment discussion questions in the 'pairs' or 'threes' PDF format and then divide the questions by cutting along the dotted lines. Match the words to make phrases. Informal dialogues are the most common. marron. Role Play exercise. For best results when printing our PDFs, open and print them through Adobe Acrobat. txt) or read online for free. Photo comparison and discussion. EXAM SKILLS: Discussing familiar topics, discourse management. 166. Downloadable PDF and online resource. 4) Would civilization be better off if the internet had never been created? These conversation questions for A1 level are great ice-breakers for students to get to know their classmates a new class or any time. 2760 uses. Visual style. 1) Have you ever been punished or made to pay for something that you did not do? 2) How would you handle integrating someone who had been frozen for 100 years into society?. Discussion starters, speaking cards. Family Questions Boa. If you feel sad you can say you are feeling blue, down in the dumps, or feeling down . conversation Holiday speaking. There are THREE parts in the Speaking Test: some questions asking personal information, a monologue about two photographs, and an informal discussion with some questions related to this. Be ready for the B1 Preliminary exam Remember that the first questions are simple ones about yourself - your name and where you live. Audio; Video; Search ; Contact. maus. Please do not worry if you are interrupted during the test. You can also write the answers in a notebook, in a digital document, or in the comments section 19 Conversation board game English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Unlock 500+ unique ESL conversation topics , 200+ ready-to-use lesson plans tailored for A2-C1 learners, and 50+ creative activities and fillers designed to It’s essential for both candidates to talk together, engaging in a conversation rather than merely taking turns speaking. Conversation Questions: Travel Share by Mouspous. com. 3. WATCH . The questions cover a range of topics to elicit personal information from the examinee, including their name, where they come from, school subjects, hobbies, family, weekend activities, music B1 Conversation questions - Free download as PDF File (. 210735 uses. 35 uses. Website 6. This page is intended to be a resource for English learners and teachers. The questions in the exam probably won’t be exactly the same as these ones, but they will be similar. 3143 uses. Let's Talk About Exp. Preparation Make one copy of the twp worksheets for each pair of students. What is a special day for you? How do you celebrate it? 2. Speaking Questions B1 - Free download as PDF File (. Orientation Video for Speaking and Listening. Teacher's Corner. In Listening Part 2, there are six short dialogues, each with a context sentence, as well as a question or a sentence to complete and three options. What is the best present you have ever received? Talk about it. Log in / Register. The interlocutor may ask for a specific response from one candidate or throw the discussion open to both candidates. Donate a coffee. Interesting questions for discussions in Engish lessons. conjugations. This activity contains 50 questions and a YouTube video, so students can practice listening to real language and you can also play the game from the video with your students in your classroom. They can be either . Preparation task . B1-01 Do for Emphasis B1-24 Indirect Questions Do you know when we start? B1-25 Phrasal Verbs It is recommended that you download the environment ESL discussion questions in PDF format using one of the links above. Conversation topics are a set of fourteen questions to prompt learners to answer those common questions; and to speak about themselve Teacher’s Description: This B1-B2 level 25 questions to practice conversation about daily routines, personal likes, childhood, abilities, dreams and travels, using present simple, past tense and present perfect. LEVEL TESTS – English Level Tests A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Multiple Choice Questions for Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Levels; GRAMMAR TESTS – Online English Grammar Tests with Answers for Free – English Grammar Tests Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Language in Use (B1) LIU044 - Albert Einstein - Open Cloze; LIU043 - Under the Streets of London - Open Cloze; LIU042 - Cycling - Open Cloze; LIU041 - Living In A New Country - Multiple Choice Cloze By the third round, I generally keep about half of the tutors I started out with. We’ve organized the conversation topics into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels to suit Questions: What are some rules at your school? Which rules do you (dis)agree with? Can you think of a new rule you would like to have at your school? Is there a rule you hate? What would This document provides conversation questions to practice English skills related to media, facts and fiction, books and TV shows, travel, communication, the internet, business ideas, and hopes and dreams. If you want to extend this activity further, get your students to create their own word formation conversation questions with negative prefixes using the word list in an exam preparation course book or the internet to brainstorm vocabulary. Then watch the video and do the exercises. The problem lies with the way English is usually taught. What do you usually do before going on a trip? 3. Speaking Practice. PDF. 31. The questions are c Download and print the Tracktest B1 English Test PDF with answers: Tracktest_B1 mockup practice test with answer keys Download. Question of the day. TIME PERIOD. In Part 3, talk with your partner about each option. Take the conversation questions that you like from the list or download the FREE PDF file that you see down below! In B1, B2 & C1 Conversation Topics, you will find: •25 interesting and relevant themes and topics written especially to encourage conversation. •English translations on a separate page - that way you Practice Listening Tests for B1 with Answers & Transcripts I can role-play a conversation about an exchange programme. Basic membership (PDF’s and MP3 files and videos only vocabulary with collocations. 3268 uses. Download a pdf version of 120 ISE I conversation questions: See more Great Conversation Questions for B1 level and above. Reading and Writing Exam Questions 6-10. Self Study: Reading and Writing . Conversation starter. questions from prompts (pair work) Focus Shopping vocabulary and conversation questions Aim To complete shopping conversation questions with shopping vocabulary and to use the questions to interview a partner. 251798 uses. 1. This worksheet contains 18 conversation cards, a vocabulary matching exercises (with pictures) and a grammar point (go/play/do). Practise and improve your Speaking skills and understanding for B1 Preliminary. A fun board game to . Random Question Generator; Random Debate Generator; Blog; Beginner; Intermediate; Browse by conversation type and see the different ways ESL teachers can encourage their students to engage These conversation questions for B1 level are great ice-breakers for students to get to know their classmates at the start of term. What do you like about your best friend? Give details. Let's Talk about Foo. There is no positive-negative rule. VIDEO. Each page also has a free printable PDF of conversation questions along with some ideas to supplement the discussion with things like idioms. vp22. Get the updated PDF version of the lesson here. There are also a lot more possible topics than at lower levels, so you have to be prepared to speak about a lot of different concepts. Level Intermediate (B1) Time 30 minutes £ðqtŽúM‰“t›þT:GŽŸzéµ¼]§3 ÚÆò¹î†è‘y¤p† Ž¼ðT÷µE© €Ô. A worksheet for A1+ 512 uses. The questions should be asked to each member in turn in order to give everyone a chance to speak but spontaneous group discussion should definitely not be discouraged. The questions use both regular and irregular verbs so be sure to keep an eye on your student’s responses and that they are using the correct forms of the verbs. Add to After changing the word into the correct form, students ask each other the questions. to get things going; to practice for a job; to practice a grammar A1 Level Conversation Questions: 1. This section focuses on topics designed to help students at the B1-B2 level build confidence and fluency. 2. B1 / PET Conversation Topic Cards. By clicking on one of the desired topics below you will be brought to a related page that has questions on the subject. 35 Qs to start a conversation about holidays. B1 Conversation Topics eBook - Free download as PDF File (. Here is a free printable PDF and a list of conversation questions about entertainment. Download this list in print friendly PDF. Do the preparation task first. These conversation questions for A1 level are great ice-breakers for students to get to know their cla Donate a coffee Funny conversation starters for your ESL lessons. anarti. This is easy to use. 123. Everyone wants to feel entertained whenever they can and it is a great topic to talk about for everyone. TIME B1 Level. We have a teacher’s copy (including teacher’s notes, a pronunciation guide and an answer key) and a student version which you can email to your class for online lessons. Arianey. We hope this free resource helps you and Aimed at B1-B2 ESL students, "Discussion Starters" uses a range of thought-provoking conversation questions to stimulate in-depth discussions and enhance speaking fluency. In general, type 2 and 3 are more difficult. Learn the story behind the free grammar conversation books on English LIstening Library Online. Edit Content. This document contains sample conversation questions organized into units about various topics such as music, goals, past events, work, studies, food, eating out, planning meals, encounters using taxis, and memorable events. Photo description. Listening On the last page (p12), you will find the correct answers to the test questions and the formula for calculating the percentage score. 3832. adrastea87. A useful tool if you. These conversation, speaking tests includes questions that measure different aspects of your conversation skills. B1 Warm-Up Discussion Questions; B2 Warm-Up Discussion Questions; Karty do konwersacji. Most popular. Exam Tip: Parts 3 and 4 - Discussion. This leaderboard is currently private. Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom A Project of The Internet TESL Journal If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These Pages If you can think of (16+, B1+). Indeed, many students report feeling so overwhelmed with the experience of speaking English in the real world that they struggle to maintain motivation. Each lesson features warm-up discussions, a presentation task (video, images, or reading), Let's do English ESL discussion starters, speaking cards. WHO IS THE BURGLAR? This is a conversati. Restaurant 3. Grammar Meets Conver. Childhood memory 8. You might have struggled to keep up with the conversation, with English words flying at you at 100mph. A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. English ESL Worksheets. More. www. CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 1 PDF – Advanced (download) CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 2 PDF – Advanced (download) CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 3 PDF – Advanced (download). SPEAKING B1 QUESTIONS PART 1 - Free download as PDF File (. 1212 uses. Compare the pictures: Speaking Cards A2/B1 pdf presentation; Summer Role Plays; Summer Edition: Are you a learner at B1 English level (intermediate)? This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively. Travel 5. 31 uses. Generally speaking, the EOI dialogue speaking exam questions can be divided into. Can be used with both young learners and adults (elementary to intermediate). You can also write the answers in a notebook, It is available in PDF, e-book, and physical formats. This leaderboard has been disabled by the resource owner. 13704. An A2 board game to . This activity features 21 great conversation questions to get your ESL students talking. 13 Questions (0): Am. 2 DIALOGUE TYPES . Click on the image to see an example of both sides of an Escuela Oficial Start a business | Dialogue A+B | B1 Andalucia 2014. 368 B2 conversation questions English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. 7948. Practice to answer v. Scroll down for the ESL conversation questions activity, and the video. Some of the questions ask about personal preferences and experiences A three-way discussion between interlocutor and candidates based on a new topic. This makes the conversation feel natural. Point out that echo questions are not question tags. SORT BY. You can practice answering these past simple discussion questions by yourself or with a partner. Click Share to make it public. Let's do English ESL discussion starters, speaking cards. Conversation Board g. Conversation Lessons. This list and its contents have taken several years to assemble and is ever expanding. B1 B2. This document provides conversation questions to practice English skills related to media, facts and fiction, books and TV shows, travel, communication, the internet, business ideas, and hopes and dreams. Questions and Negations (B1) QN002 - Ask for the underlined words Watch the video related to this resource, and do the quiz to test your understanding. This worksheet This document contains sample conversation questions organized into units about various topics such as music, goals, past events, work, studies, food, eating out, planning meals, encounters using taxis, and memorable events. The Qs can also be used for a speaking test of any kind Questions (interrogative) Holidays- Conversation Questions. • Questions designed to help you use the German that you have already learned but do not use. There are 3 free printable conversation worksheets in this set. Some example questions are "What's your CATEGORIES. Warmer questions MUSIC 100 Engaging ESL Conversation Questions for All Levels There’s a list of 100 engaging ESL conversation questions suitable for all levels. Each PDF has 3 activities to help students recognise and learn phrasal verbs. inglesmalaga. Each one comes with simple questions to kick-start your discussions, so you don’t need to worry about complex vocabulary or tricky grammar. Embed. 92. They provide learners with opportunities to practice forming sentences, using new words, and expressing ideas naturally. To help learners feel more confident and to develop grammatical accuracy, the warm-up Speaking Questions A2 - Free download as PDF File (. Try something new for 30 days February 20, 2025; Pages. All-time. Each lesson has a preparation task and a video that introduces the language in context and gives you the opportunity to listen to and repeat the useful phrases. These are cut-out cards with a variety of topics on them based on the list of topics that can come up Speaking Practice. These past simple discussion questions are all about random topics to keep this speaking activity interesting. Family 2. A list of questions you can use to generate conversations in the ESL/EFL classroom. Grammar-based ´Getti. Basic-Proficiency-A1-A2; Intermediate-Upper Intermediate B1-B2; Advanced-C1-C2; Hide Ads for Premium Members; Need a tutor? Question of the day; Welcome; Conversation Starters. Be on hand to take notes and help out where needed. After four rounds, my conversation skills have hopefully reached B1 (low-intermediate at a time). Learners take it in turns to turn over the top card and ask their question to the other group members. I can discuss ideas for a day out and justify my opinions. 1863 uses. Can be used with both young learners and Why Use Conversation Questions in ESL Classes? Conversation questions are an excellent way to help students build confidence when speaking English. Now, we’ll start with Part 1. I’m going to ask you about your life. B1 EOI GUIA DIALOGO 2022 ©Janette O´Carroll . ndevans84. Leaderboard. Two sets of 13 eleme. Downloadable PDF Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets. As students get closer to their exam date, they should be able to give nice extended, but concise, answers to these questions. Browse our range of ESL speaking topics for intermediate level students with a B1 or B2 level who want to improve their English conversation fluency. STRESS AT WORK | Dialogue A+B | B1 Galicia 2011. At B1 level, Trinity ISE I challenges candidates to prove their ability in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Are you a member of a health spa or gym? Are you afraid of needles? Are you healthy? Are your parents healthy? Do think that you need to lose weight? Do you always eat healthy food? Do you bruise easily? Do you catch a cold more than once a year? Do you consider alcohol a drug? Do you B1 (ISE I) Test Overview. Extend the activity by having your students make their own! EXAM PART: Speaking. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Welcome to our comprehensive Business English section, offering ready-to-use teaching materials for ESL teachers around the world. Best for classes of . ß¿ p¿!Ò2l1‹º;i0¸“>ŠÊ1Íí4 íÙï @¨“ 9÷4 @q«€,h—{±€T1÷,è ’ý` ’W4 Ýn{˜â d Ÿ ŽP‡¡ ©oX¿÷(„]“·Æ` ñ ì ÓåJ®ÿJ©ò)U „×¥ï˜at®4 Šó çv3é@ëŠß&o'?Ÿí‰iOèyN ƒ=x — ÒóMQ Ïþgí9 Bf'›Î‚ ™†0¸B$êq R˜eÔãl‰o%²Lä¯J\ j3ëšdÐ This is a list of questions for discussion in ESL class. Favorite rooms 9. FUNNY CONVERSATION ICEBREAKER QUESTIONS. You can practice answering these present simple discussion questions by yourself or with a partner. Inglés Málaga. Money Conversation. This is love song by. They can also be used at any time to develop speaking skills. Here are some emotions idioms you can introduce, discuss, and try to make example sentences with once you have completed the feelings conversation questions. A review material fo. The future of books | Dialogue A+B | B1 VALENCIA 2008. You can also write the answers in a notebook, in a digital document, or in the comments section below. smartcookie. com . These cards can be u. 526 uses. PRESENT SIMPLE - speaking questions Author: Weronika Keywords: DAEIvE4MCUA,BADZoS9xnHA Created Date: 9/25/2020 6:09:08 AM Welcome to our collection of Intermediate-level ESL conversation (Speaking) lessons. Home / B1 / Grammar / Questions and Negations. Fun Questions for Discussion; Fun Questions for Discussion. These resources are designed to help you teach business language skills at all levels, from basic workplace vocabulary to This worksheet contains 18 conversation cards, an interview box and a hands-on task (drawing 2 flags). shaggy26. Show more Show less . Reading and Writing Exam Questions 1-5. Verb to be questions. With 10 questions for each topic, we have created 120 ISE III conversation questions. It is not necessary to use all the questions. The questions cover a wide range of topics including personal information, family, school, work, hobbies, daily activities, future plans and Speaking: B1 Keeping a conversation going In this video, Noelia and Bob talk about Spain. 331281 uses. Listen to the language they use for keeping a conversation going and practise saying the useful phrases. The document provides a series of questions about daily activities, work, family, relationships, and future plans. GM1993. There are 60 conversation starters in this resource. Reading and Writing Exam Questions 11-15. 34. Before watching . Don’t be shy, you don’t have to be perfect, as long as you keep going, you keep learning! English Speaking Topics PDF. Profe2. Meenhanskz. Trinity GESE Grade 4. 2790 uses. 369 Conversation cards English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Procedure Give each student a copy of the lesson. When you answer ISE I conversation questions, give an extended, interesting answer and then ask the examiner what they think. 6. The cards can be cut out if desired and be used as conversation questions. It is very useful for a teacher to have it printed and you can also print it and hand it out to your students so every time you want to have some ready-made questions on the table you do not need spend your time searching. kushie. Download the free book with 25 lessons with 100 short conversations. Mixed Tenses - Conversation Questions - Free download as PDF File (. Select a category above from either the general, grammar or business sections and click on the link. Assignments. Log in required. This document contains 35 questions that could be asked in an A2 level speaking exam. PET Speaking: Part 4. This document contains 35 sample questions that could be asked in a B1 level speaking exam. pdf), Text File (. Fauzia. Speaking cards is an open-ended template. •A mini-dictionary for each theme to help you with the most difficult words or phrases. Get the PDF These simple and engaging conversation topics and questions are perfect for beginner and intermediate students. I can describe photos and answer questions. Recommended Level: Intermediate (B1) You can practice answering these phrasal verb conversation questions by yourself or with a partner. At ISE II, conversation questions can be quite complex and difficult to understand, so make sure you are prepared for these 5 topics. They might ask only one candidate or both. ESL Conversation Questions and Answers – 75 Topics. This practice makes students feel more comfortable speaking in different conversation going and making small talk. B1 Grammar Conversations. The questions range from personal details and B1+ conversation questions - Free download as PDF File (. In the last part, the Interlocutor asks questions related to Part 3. The 25 Questions lessons show you how to ask and These English / ESL conversation questions are all about SOCIAL MEDIA! Get your students speaking about their favourite apps, how often they are online, who they follow, and more. We can make our stud. Here are 100 ISE II conversation questions to practise before the exam. This will take you to a page where you can view the ESL discussion questions and 548 Verb to be questions English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. formal or informal. CONVERSATION CARDS. Enjoy and do not forget to smile! :) conversation questions B1 Share by Bakmarianna55. 0. PhilipR. Conversation questions to practice passive voice. Song: Honesty (B1+/B. Talk for a minute about A2-B1 level. Print. The verb TO BE - que. ESL Conversation Questions – Music This content is available for paid subscribers only . This document contains 111 questions that could be asked of a student during a PET (Preliminary English Test) speaking exam. The questions cover a range of topics and verb tenses, including present and past experiences, current and past jobs and projects, daily routines, 1,157 B1 conversation English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. I can compare and contrast photos and discuss various options. Presents Daily English Conversation by Topic (mp3+pdf) Listening is THE KEY to better English speaking. You have to listen to the short conversation, then choose the option which best answers the question or completes the sentence. Books 4. 4. LittleSunshine11. Do you like the rain? What do you do on a rainy day? 5. Example of a real PET Speaking exam Use these 100 Conversation Questions for Kids. Thanks for clicking, You can find Trinity ISE I materials on Breakout English to prepare for the B1 exam. yxzg omcq scoqi rclcwf uuvmvd qjciw lvjloj ddjaw xcpgqrt vaer jttd jbisfhki eoxfrwv toy yfps